Friday, February 11, 2011

Blogroll Updates...

...are going to have to wait until tomorrow, sorry.

A lot of folks have written to me to let me know I'm on their blogroll - THANK YOU - or to ask if it would be okay to add MArooned to their blogroll - YES. I've been overdue for a blogroll update as it is, and I've got a bunch of new blogs to add to the 'roll. Will try to get to it tomorrow, but wanted to say thanks to everyone who wrote in for letting me know. Also, to anyone out there wondering... The answer is "yes" to the question "Can I add MArooned to my blogroll?" It's your blog; feel free to add anyone you want.

Just let me know about it if you do add me so I can return the favor!

That is all.

1 comment:

Laura said...

you've been on mine for awhile but i never bothered to tell you...heh.