Saturday, February 12, 2011

Super Mondo Mega Saturday Blogroll Update!!!

Man, I gotta remember to do this more frequently... As I hinted yesterday, here's a list of new blogs up on the 'roll:

1. Nine Pound Sledgehammer. TinCan Assassin took the highly unorthodox step of e-mailing me to let me know he'd added me to his blogroll: "FYI, I have added you to my blogroll, so that my one reader(the DW) can link to you any time she likes. If you like what you see on my blog, feel free to reciprocate. If you don't, feel free to reciprocate anyway." I like that.

2. Dum Vivimus, Vivamus. Greg has a quote from Heinlein right on the sidebar. Very cool.

3. Scary Yankee Chick. Ruth, or SYC, went from the frying pan into the, well, another frying pan - she moved from MA to NY. Always good to have another local on the 'roll. She also let me know via e-mail: "I wanted to let you know that I just started up a blog of my own and have added you to the blogroll under "What I read." I don't need you to add me to yours unless you want to (I won't complain!), but I figured it polite to let you know." Thanks!

4. When, in the course of human events... I like it. Groundhog also e-mailed me to let me know I was on his blogroll. Four folks total e-mailed me to let me know. I think that's a record or something...

5. Yankeefried. There's something familiar about this blog, I just can't put my finger on it... He's a "...southern gentleman living in Massachusetts." Poor bastard.

6. Life, The Universe, and Homework. The Scribbler is another Gunblogger Conspiracy denizen, a student at the University of IL (what is it with us gunnies trapped in crappy states???). He also wants it known that his blog URL is actually longer than mine...

7. Steve's Blogspot. Steve's got me listed under "Friends". I gotta say, I like that. Thanks Steve.

Seven new blogs, the majority of which e-mailed me to let me know I had been added to their blogrolls. That's definitely a record, and I'm glad to see more people listening to me... Once again, to reiterate - I run a (mostly) reciprocal blogroll here. If you list me, let me know about it and I'll add you - it's just that simple!

Now, get to readin' the new folks!

That is all.


Ruth said...

Thank you, I think my readership just doubled (at least temporarily)!

Brandon said...

About Yankeefried.... Wow, someone really did retire and move north! No offense intended, lol. I heard someone say recently, "Say what you want about the South, but you don't hear about folks retiring and moving North, do you?" Apparently, I stand corrected...Maybe he didn't retire, though...