Friday, February 18, 2011

Earning the Appellation...

There is a reason the GOP is nicknamed "The Stupid Party"...

Lawmakers in N.H. push for repeal of gay marriage
Now, conservatives in the Republican-controlled State House in New Hampshire are looking to roll back the 2009 legislative vote. Yesterday, legislators heard testimony at a heavily attended hearing on two bills that would repeal same-sex marriage. The sponsors of the bills recommended that the House not act on them until next year, citing the need to focus on the economy. But Republican House leaders promised their support for repeal, and conservatives vowed to make gay marriage a major issue in the state’s first-in-the-nation primary.


If you acknowledge that you need to focus on the economy, why in blue blazes are you introducing this bill now? That's not the worst part, though. There's mention of them reading Bible verses while the bill was being debated. That's not the worst part.

What's the worst part, you ask? This:
"It’s imperative that government only promote the best, most ideal household arrangements,’’ said state Senator Raymond White, a Republican.

WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. Look, I'll make it simple for you dolts.

The. Government. Has. NO. DAMN. BUSINESS. In. "Household. Arrangements".

None. It's crap like this that provide fodder to the stereotype that the GOP wants to peek into people's bedrooms. I don't want the government promoting any household arrangement. I want them printing the damn money, killing people in foreign lands who would purport to do us harm, and maintaining the damn roads. End of list.

When it comes to gay marriage, please do us all a favor and STFU, kthanx?

That is all.


NotDilbert said...

Print money......
Kill enemies.....
Fix roads.......

To good at doing the first task.......not so much on the others.

Anonymous said...

There is a reason the GOP is nicknamed "The Stupid Party"...

The reasons are legion. This is but one.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Gee, can't these yahoos get it through their heads "IT"S THE ECONOMY, STUPID!" If you're wasting Taxpayer money at the State Capitol on this, then get the FRACK OUT!

TinCan Assassin said...

And quite frankly, all the Christian Conservatives have to do is be patient. Even if "married", homsexuals can't breed. All I have to do is keep having kids, and we'll outnumber them in no time.
Yes, I'm really politically incorrect.

Irish said...


All I have to do is keep having kids, and we'll outnumber them in no time.

That is what the Muzzies are doing...

Tim Covington said...

I'm married, and I think the government should stop giving special privileges to those who are married. If the government just stopped handing out marriage licenses. Marriage is a religious institution. If two consenting adults want to be married, let them find clergy to do it. If you want to pool resources and property with another person, form some sort of corporation.

Sabra said...

We already outnumber gays. All the more reason that ZOMG THE QWEERS BE MARRYIN' hysteria is idiotic.

Me, I figure I need to out-breed the idiots who give a damn whom anyone else wants to marry.

The Coffee Bastard said...

Change the first line to "create good jobs" and I am with you.

Eck! said...

thy just don't get it..

If Homosexual don't breed where do "they" come from?? Oh. thats right heterosexuals. duh!

As to the GOP and the economy, whey want it broke so they can hamstring social and infrastructure efforts for the public.


Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

Sabra: +1000 on both points!

Dr. Feelgood said...

Best of luck to you, Sabra. I'm already on number four ;)

If government has an interest in promoting social stability (at the state level, that's up to the people of that state; at the federal level, GTFO) then I have no qualms with that. A state can decide for themselves what that stability means, short of trampling any fundamental rights (and marriage is not one of those, let's be clear).

The government of NH (with the power of the people) is not criminalizing homosexuality, they're just picking and choosing which kinds of relationships to sanction. As long as it remains free and open for anyone to enter into a sanctioned relationship, as defined, then everyone can equally receive the benefits. Welcome to government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

The line about household arrangements is ridiculous, though. There's no imperative, just a matter of subjective choice. Personally I don't care much for what they're doing, and maybe their priorities are whacked; but that's for the voters of NH to decide.

Anonymous said...

surprised Bruce hasn't weighed in on this yet......

Josh Kruschke said...


Why does my brain hurt after reading that?


Old NFO said...

They are ALL stoopid... It IS THE ECONOMY YOU STUPID S**TS...

KBCraig said...

Absolutely. I'm very pissed at the new NH majority for focusing on this.

I'm a Christian, and I want government out of ALL marriage. When Christian friends talk about the "sanctity of marriage", I tell them that's exactly why government should not license it -- it's a religious rite, and should be left to the religions.

Not one opponent of gay marriage has been able to produce their government certificate of salvation, nor baptism permit, nor license to preach. They just don't get it.

TBeck said...

Texan and Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Kathy Glass calls gay marriage "the biggest issue that nodody cares about". She means that everybody has an opinion but when asked to list the most important issues in descending order of importance, this little hot button almost never makes the Top Ten.

Christina RN LMT said...

TinCan Assassin, ever heard of Gestational Surrogacy? Or adoption? Artificial insemination (for lesbian couples)?

Gay couples can certainly have children, even without the requisite equipment.

And their children aren't infected with gay cooties, either.

Sarah said...

I'm all for contract law for everyone; put an end to government's involvement in marriage, as that's just another way to bleed people for money and, oh yeah, tell people what they should and shouldn't do with their personal lives.

Oops. We can't have that because it makes sense and won't require the overlords to print another truckload of money. *Sigh*

Ross said...

Um... Jay? Where, pray tell, does it mention roads in the Constitution?

Just wonderin'.

(please note my lack of comment about gay marriage: you may take that to mean that I SIMPLY DO NOT CARE what two adults do with each other. NOT MY BUSINESS, and NOT THE GOVERNMENT'S, either!)

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

State governments aren't limited to the powers enumerated in the. Constitution. Building and maintaining roads is a legitimate exercise of state powers.