Police Pistol Slim
The discerning eye will note that this PPS has the 6 round magazine installed, with the 7- and 8- round magazines in the foreground. Having the different sizes is nothing new - my Glock G30 has both 9- and 10- round magazines available, with the 9-round magazine seating flush while the 10-round magazine extends slightly (and can have a pinky rest base plate). I'd really like to shoot one of these - I've shot the Kahr PM9 (a couple, actually) and found them to be manageable (barely, but then again I am the guy that shoots the Snubbie from Hell™, so...) It would be interesting to put a few magazines through one, that's for sure.
Thanks for sending her in Ernest!
That is all.
jealous, so jealous
I want to try one in .40 now that they are Mass compliant.
I almost bought one, but I found them to be exactly the same as the PM9, but bigger..and note the overhang on the mag point backwards ...the first time I held one I put the mag back in backwards because of the index point.
If you are ever in NC, you are welcome to run a box through mine. I love it, it is my favorite carry piece (although I just bought a S&W Bodyguard .380 last night...)
You are very welcome, Jay. Keep up the good work on the blog. It's a daily read for me!
I looked at that, but picked a P99c in .40 instead. I flove my gun.
Heh. I had a S&W SW99c in 9mm that I sold after I bought my G30. Same size (a little thinner, but not noticeably so) but 10+1 rounds of .45 ACP vs. 10+1 rounds of 9mm...
Great gun, I still have the full size version in 40 S&W, just no need for the 9mm with a comparably sized .45 ACP (G-d's own pistol caliber)
This just in, Jay - The metric 1 mm is now equal to 0.07 inch. Stick that in your little .45 and smoke it.
Functional, but ugly. Kinda like me. ; )
I've toted a PPS in 9mm as my EDC for a couple of years now.
In a Cross Breed Mini Tuck it vanishes with the barest of cover garment. (a baseball jersey in warm weather is perfect) It puts holes in the paper as close to where I want them as anything I shoot and has never failed to make appropriately loud noises when so directed.
If you ever wander through the Mid-West and find yourself near the Rock Island Arsenal (Les Baer on one side of the river, Lewis Machine and Tool, Armalite, Springfield Armory, and Rock River Arms on the other...yay us.) you are more than welcome to play with it all day long.
Oh...and I chose the 9mm because that's what they had in the case locally. It's not a .40 but 124 grain +P should put a suitable hole in most any Goblin.
I will second BGM's comment. I carry mine (with the larger backstrap) in a Minotaur MTAC and it pretty much just goes away even at 3 o'clock. I'm 6' 165, and can cover with just a t-shirt. I like that.
Yet another +1 with BGM. Have carried mine for over a year - hides nicely and does make a nice bang when necessary.
Don F
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