Thursday, February 10, 2011

Give a Gun a Good Home...

Friend and bloggershoot attendee ZerCool is selling off some guns to pay the bills.

I can vouch for the S&W model 28 - she's a beaut - and the AR (I think; Z, you brought that to the first bloggershoot you made, right?). ZerCool takes excellent care of his firearms, and I'd really like to see these go to a good home. The pistols are out for me; the bolt rifles are very nice, but not in the plan; the AR is appealing but out of my budget otherwise I'd help Z out.

Go take a look and see if anything strikes your fancy - let's get these poor guns into a good home, shall we?

That is all.


ZerCool said...

I did bring the AR to the blogshoot. The 28 is, (sadly) already spoken for.

Old NFO said...

That truly sucks for Zer, and yes he's a good guy!