Thursday, February 10, 2011

Late Winter AD Dinner/Shoot Blogmeet Update

As I mentioned previously, the inimitable Ambulance Driver will be up in my neck of the woods at the end of the month. As we've done in years past, we're taking him out to dinner and then off to the range the next day - because nothing says "Welcome to the Volksrepublik of Massachusetts" like a fine meal and a day at the range...

Since the day is rapidly approaching, I figured it couldn't hurt to toss it out again one more time to see who's interested in attending. Once more:

What: Third Annual Meet, Greet, and Shoot for Ambulance Driver

When: Sunday, February 27th, 8 PM for dinner; Monday, February 28th, 10 AM for shoot.

Where: Dinner TBD, possibly Polcari's in Saugus or Carrabba's in Peabody as above; shoot possibly at Harvard Sportsmen's Club in Harvard MA if we can find a sponsor; otherwise at my gun club for AD, TOTWTYTR, and three other lucky people (I can have up to 5 guests).

Why: Um, because it's Ambulance Driver? Because getting together with like-minded, freedom loving people to talk shop, listen to the master raconteur, and/or fling lead downrange is always a good time?

Ambulance Driver
your humble host

We have less than three weeks until the day. As it stands, the guest list is small enough that we don't need to make special plans right now - let's change that and show AD a rockin' good time. Either Carrabba's or Polcari's are an excellent choice; they both serve fine Italian cuisine and have areas for larger groups. While the shooting may very well happen in two feet of snow, it's still a day at the range - beats a day at work any time!

Let me know if you're interested in attending the dinner, the shoot, or both!

That is all.


libertyman said...

I'm in.

libertyman said...

For dinner, that is. I am still a working stiff, so can't go Monday.

Heath J said...

Might be able to swing out there, It's dead at work.

Weer'd Beard said...

I'm in for both!

TheFaz said...

If you want to shoot at Harvard, let me know and I'll be glad to have you guys. It's been too long since you and I have shot anyway Jay!

MedicMatthew said...

As per usual you can count me as a solid maybe. I know that I won't be able to make dinner, but if we're able to engage in more shooty goodness at Harvard then I'll see about getting the day off