Let's say you're a gun
nut enthusiast. Let's say that you happen to have come into some money recently. Money that is going right into the ol' gun fund. Let's also say that you've got a serious case of "Gottahavititis" and can't decide exactly what you want to get...
Should it be a .22 pistol for target shooting/plinking?

Perhaps a new CCW piece?

Or something I haven't even thought of yet? Should I save up and get a 1911 for 2011? Wait and see if the Sig P290 becomes MA-compliant? Pick up a Kahr PM9? So many decisions, so many excellent choices...
Help me spend my gun money before I do something foolish and try to save it or something...That is all.
You need a BAR chambered in .30-06
Of the choices, I'd say if you're already happy with your carry guns, go for the .22 target pistol.
With the price of ammo mine is pretty much the only way I can afford to put a few hundred rounds downrange every week. If I was going to buy a new one, it would be the Ruger 22/45RP with the replaceable (1911) grips.
I'm new to guns, but would vote for holding the money until something you really want comes along. With anything, buying "just because" could lead to a choice you are pleased with in the short term, but kind of regret in the long. Hold the money and keep your eyes peeled. Your next purchase will come to you. Happy shopping...
One choice you didn't mention might be a .22lr conversion for one already in the armory, say a 1911 or Glock, or even the AR. Again, at 3 cents a round you can't beat the .22 for training.
Maura hits it on the head. If nothing shouts "buy me!", hold onto the money until something leaps out at you.
Of the choices, though, I gotta go with the .22 target pistol. I'm in love with mine.
I seem to have heard somewhere that you enjoy a little recoil...
Maybe a S&W 500?
You don't NEED another CCW. You want one.
Go for the Ruger 22/45RP as mopar said. That will help you get new shooters hooked on the sport!
Or spend the money getting your NRA instructor license.....
You already have 1911's, as I recall, so no reason to pick up a new one unless you buy one that is a special centennial edition. You already have CCW guns, as well. A .22 pistol would be a good choice.
Invest in a tumbler and powder scale ?
I have nothing more to say...
WV: chingl ... ayuh.
See, the thing is, I *WANT* one of everything I listed (at least the pictures). I really like the 22A that I reviewed last month at G,H,&G.
I've wanted a Ruger 22 for a long time.
And the Bodyguard just calls to me - while I've got the P3AT for pocket 380 carry, having the Bodyguard with the laser as a primary and the P3AT as a backup isn't the worst idea in the world...
S&W 500 is a good idea - once I start reloading (yes, Wally, I saw...)
And ZerCool, I saw that. Plug coming up shortly...
Henry Big Boy in .357.
Since you have plenty of .38 laying around...
You already missed out on the 28 ... hmmm, what else could possibly be Jay-worthy... ;-)
WV: hinge: what I am rapidly becoming un-.
Re: ZerCool
Jay-worthy? Hmm I'm thinking the most important specification is the availability of a bayonet for it.
You waaaaaaant the Bodyguard. YOU KNOW YOU DO. ;-)
WV: makesses. As in, "It makesses the gun disappear, Precious! What does it have in its pocketses? I CAN'T TELL!!!"
You're on your own.
I've been trying to spend nearly $2k on guns for months now, I did get a Type 14 Nambu around Xmas, but that was less than $500.
I couldn't find anything. All the above are good ideas, maybe another 10/.22 to customize, like making it look like a Tommy Gun or an MG-42.
I'm all happy about my latest acquisition, I got a Martini-Henry MkIII on Tuesday.
It's very expensive to feed, but I wasn't planning on taking it to the range every day.
I'd vote the 22/45 or a Mk II Ruger (if they are legal there).
Just good clean(ish) fun.
Sure you don't want to wait until the NRA Con and see what's new? Doesn't look like the guns you posted are rare and/or discontinued, and I don't think they fit the Grail category, so I'd wait and expand the wish list.
Not knowing everything in your collection already, if I came into unplanned money, I would not spend it on a gun, but rather a .22 Conversion Kit for a gun...like a Kadet Conversion Kit for my CZ-75...heck, if it was enough unplanned money, even just the .22 version of one of your primary guns...case in point, CZ makes a CZ 75 Kadet...then I would have two separate guns.
Would moving expenses to New Hampshire count as "gun fund money"?
Just sayin'...
I've got a Ruger MkIII, and aside from the times when I'm breaking it down for cleaning, I love it. Few problems, mostly caused by a dry, dirty gun with the cheapest .22 money can buy. I hear tell you are mildly obsessed with cleaning guns...so you'd either go insane while trying to constantly clean the Ruger .22's, or you'd get really good at it and not have issues. Mine runs fine dirty as hell, so I generally wait a few thousand rounds to clean it...the rest of my guns get cleaned more often. I opted for the regular MarkIII over the 22/45 because I heard that the longer barrelled 22/45's get a little off balance due to the polymer grip frame. That said...if I lived 20 minutes North and was breathing Free Air, I'd buy a 22/45 and a threaded Pac-lite upper..and a magic happy can
Keystone: I have a MKIII that is as picky as all get out with ammo. CCI Minimag is the only round good enough for the gun. Feed issues with almost everything else.
There is a trick to reassembly. I forget that trick 2 minutes after I figure it out.
.22 target guns are great if you don't have a bunch then add one to the collection.
VI - I'm surprised to hear that. I've run all kinds of ammo through my Mk II and MkIII without any feeding problems. Might want to get it checked out. "Finicky" would be the last thing I would say about the Ruger MK series pistols
Jay - If you go for the Ruger don't let the takedown and reassembly difficulties you've heard about dissuade you. Follow the manual instructions and remember that gravity is your friend when trying to align the hammer strut to engage the mainspring. Point the pistol at a slight angle from vertical so that the strut hangs where it's supposed to engage the mainspring. I think that's the trick VI is forgetting.
Hat Trick: And my Walther P22 is supposed to be the pistol that IS finicky about ammo and it'll shoot anything. It is like something has been switched. Perhaps I'll have to take my guns to Barbara Harris and Jodie Foster on Friday and get their opinion.
With respect to all the knowledgeable folks that posted before me. I suggest a Smith & Wesson model 41 target pistol.
Superbly accurate, excellent trigger. The quality of the M41 is just outstanding. You will have it for many years and never get tired of its many attributes.
Expensive Yes. Worth it? Damn right!
Mine is now 30 years old with perhaps 50,000 rds downrange. Thus far, I have replaced the recoil spring once. Thats it as far as repairs & replacements. It helped me to master level in bullseye competition and still shoots better than I can. Buy one, you'll never regret it.
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