Saturday, February 5, 2011

Let's Go Racin'!

Today's the Pinewood Derby for our Pack, TheBoy's second-to-last Derby in his Cub Scout career. We have 43 Scouts out of 59 possible checked in to race, with all ranks well-represented as well as a dozen or so "family" cars - moms, dads, brothers, sisters, and even a granddad or two. All will prove their mettle on the aluminum track of honor - or splay their graphite across the course trying. The Pinewood Derby has been jokingly referred to as the "Superbowl of Cub Scouts", and if you'd seen some of the dads at the weigh-in last night disputing calls on weight and such, you'd understand.

In one hour, the fun starts - boogety boogety boogety!

That is all.


ASM826 said...

Does that bring back memories. It got so bad we instituted an open class race for the dads. Then we had the Cubs cut and decorate their own cars at Den meetings.

One thing I learned was that you didn't want to be the Pack winner, because then you went on to the District races, answering the question, "What's more competitive than dads at a Pack Pinewood derby?" pretty convincingly.

gordo said...

I just bet you didn't use any trickery. How do you sneak nitrous into a pinewood racer?

Spike said...

We had a AWANA grand Prix today at my church. 120 kids and adults raced. Good time was had by all, and very few screams were uttered.

Comrade Misfit said...

OT, but do you know anything about some guy who does business as "Yankee Artisan" in Northborough?