
DA: Suspect fled to Ecuador
Quote of the entire story here:The last person known to have seen a 25-year-old Brockton mom and toddler alive has fled the country, prosecutors said yesterday.
Segundo Castro flew out of JFK airport in New York bound for Ecuador at 12:01 a.m. Monday, less than three hours after the bodies of two of his roommates — Ecuadorian immigrants Maria Avelina Palaguachi-Cela, 25, and her 2-year-old son, Brian Palaguachi — were found in a Dumpster behind their triple-decker, Plymouth District Attorney Timothy J. Cruz said. The suspect was able to board the plane despite outstanding warrants for kidnapping and assault.
“Obviously,” the district attorney said, “we’re in a system that does not work.”
YA THINK?!?!?!?!?
Outstanding warrants for kidnapping and assault and yet this dude just hops on a plane out of the country? Are you freaking kidding me? TSA agents go through a woman's receipts because she had too many deposit slips, but some dude skipping out of the country at midnight doesn't even raise an eyebrow. Great work folks! Can someone explain why we're scanning for people that might have too much money on them but NOT outstanding warrants for violent crimes? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
It gets even better:
Investigators are uncertain of Castro’s true identity because he has multiple aliases. But they know he has a pending warrant out of Milford for a 2007 assault and battery, two felony warrants out of New York for kidnapping with malice and assault, and a pending case in Brockton for assault with a dangerous weapon, Cruz said.
And yet he was out walking the streets of Massachusetts scot-free. Way to go MA "justice" system! But I'm the paranoid one because I carry a firearm for self defense. I live in a state that paroles violent criminals who are supposed to be serving multiple life sentence, can't incarcerate a violent criminal, and has patronage-inspired hacks running the parole board. Oh, but they sure want to throw me in jail for buying more than one gun a month or having a new P-mag...
This system ain't just broke, it's non-existent. Multiple aliases, outstanding warrants spanning state lines, a history of violence, and yet he's still out there among us. The system is incapable of keeping even the most dangerous criminals in jail, and yet they question why we want the means to protect ourselves. Here's a thought: keep the damn criminals in jail! I know it's a radical concept, but maybe someone serving seven life sentences should be in jail...
You can pass all the shiny new laws you want, but if you enforce them with the same vigor you enforce the old laws with you won't get a different result...
That is all.
And just to make things really interesting . . . . there is no extradition treaty between the USofA and Ecuador.
- Brad
Don't worry, Jay. There's plenty of ACE-inhibitors out there. I think lisinopril is the cheapest, though...
Jay, GREAT post.. you are the wordsmith!
Just wanted to let you know the link to the story goes to the one about walmart firing the employees .
Keep fighting the good fight!
Well hey, at least he wasn't a terrorist or they would have...uh...would have...
Just how many terrorists or criminals has the TSA ever caught?
Given how successful the MA 'justice' system and the TSA are combined, there's a good possibility that guy will be back on the streets of MA, sooner rather than later.
Side note: I've always known that no one official was ever serious about catching Bin Laden, as for the example from your state they have never caught Whitey. And they probably won't, either. Hard to catch a criminal when you're not even trying.
Oops, thanks PISSED - fixed now.
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