Thursday, February 3, 2011

Note to the US Media...

This is what happens in countries that do not have a Second Amendment:

Egyptian army starts rounding up journalists
CAIRO – The Egyptian military started rounding up journalists, possibly for their own protection, on Thursday after they came under attack from supporters of President Hosni Mubarak who have been assaulting anti-government protesters.

The U.S. State Department condemned what it called a "concerted campaign to intimidate" foreign journalists in Egypt. The New York-based Committee to Protect journalists said Wednesday that violence against journalists was part of a series of deliberate attacks and called on the Egyptian military to provide protection for reporters.

You remember that pesky Second Amendment, don't you? Yeah, that's the part of the Bill of Rights that allows us cousin-humping rednecks in flyover country to fondle our guns while we bide our time before becoming mass murderers - at least to hear your version of events after a sensational shooting. The Second Amendment is an anachronism, you sneer; surely no one needs a firearm in today's enlightened age. "[Insert gun type here] isn't used for hunting/only good for killing people/has no place in the hands of civilians" etc. - isn't that what you bleat any time some whackamole uses their "sprayfire from the hip with the shoulder thing that goes up assault machine gun revolver"?

It's not about hunting. The Second Amendment has never been about hunting. Hell, even self-defense against goblins is a secondary consideration. The Second Amendment is about arming the people so that the government does not start rounding folks up - be they journalists, dissidents, or left-handed square dance callers. It's about giving the people - we, the people - the tools to resist tyranny in its many forms. It's not about putting venison (tasty, tasty venison) in freezers, or "sporting" reasons - it's about the very grim, serious, real task of keeping the standing army at bay through widespread personal arms. We might not have the tanks, but there are sufficient hunters, handgunners, and other 2A enthusiasts to resist should the unthinkable happen.

Even something as seemingly innocuous as rounding up journalists "for their own protection".

That is all.


Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

"The Second Amendment has never been about hunting. [E]ven self-defense against goblins is a secondary consideration. The Second Amendment is about arming the people so that the government does not start rounding folks up – be they journalists, dissidents, or left-handed square dance callers. It’s about giving the people – we, the people – the tools to resist tyranny in its many forms."

Quote of the Day.

JP said...

I made that QOTD over at my place too.

Awesome stuff!

chiefjaybob said...

Outstanding. This should be required reading for everyone in the media.

"Rounded up for their own protection." Sounds familiar....

Lissa said...

I don't know, Jay . . . there's something odd about them there square dancers, right OR left handed . . . ;-)


Anonymous said...

I dunno, I would fight to protect the left-handed square dance callers (but then, I'm a southpaw who's dosado'd once or twice) but, would it REALLY be that bad if the military rounded all the mainstream media types?

Bubblehead Les. said...

As much as I hate the Lamestream Media, maybe when Katie Couric and Anderson Cooper realize that they have no more protection than any other slob when they leave the Confines of theConstitution they might comes to grip with the fact that the Government is not their Friend. Are they hoping that Barry will send in the Marines to protect them? Well, maybe they'll realize that Elections have Consequences. But, nah, they'll die thinking that they're "Special", just like Deer in the Headlights.

Steve said...

"For their own protection" that's awesome! Like Les said, anderson cooper can't understand why he got punched in the head, his mommy told him he was special. Maybe the best part is that they'd probably pay a King's ransom for some of those mouth breathing savages at Blackwater. It never occurs to the beautiful people that not everyone is in awe of their celebritardidness.

gator said...

QOTD indeed.