Thursday, March 10, 2011

Is Moose. Is Not Safe.

The Big Guy sends this hilarious story out of Sarah Palin's Alaska:

Moose kicks woman who came too close in Town Square

A moose kicked a woman in Town Square Park Monday afternoon after she got too close to the animal and reportedly tried to pet it, according to Anchorage police.

The moose kicked the unidentified woman several times -- including in the chest and shoulder -- but she was not injured badly enough to go to the hospital, according to police spokeswoman Anita Shell.
She tried to pet a moose. This crazy bint thought that a swamp donkey was just a harmless pet, a tame Disney creation for her amusement. And she figured she'd just approach harmless ol' Bullwinkle and say hi. And got kicked in the chest for her trouble. Chortle. She should thank her lucky stars she got off as lightly as she did.

Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti...

That is all.


skidmark said...

Yeah! Sure! Blame it on Bullwinkle. Where were the cops in all this? IIRC meeses are protected wildlife and it is a [u]crime[/u] to molest them.

That woman ought to be made to register and check in with the wildlife conservation cops in every town she sets foot in. For all we know she even uses that gateway drug "popcorn" to try to lure innocent young squirrels out of their homes.

Think of her influence on the chilllllldrrrrrennnnnnnnnn!

stay safe.

wv=juven. I swear! :)

Brad_in_IL said...

Couple years back in Westford a young moose was sighted munching on some 'drops' in an apple orchard. Folks saw baby Bullwinkle, pulled off to the side of the road, and went on down to pet said yoot-moose. Those folk were DAMNED LUCKY that Mama-moose was not within distance or there'd have been a bunch of dead idiots. Then again, dead idiots are better than live idiots who pollute the gene pool, but that's a different discussion. Then again, had mama-moose acted on her instincts, those bystanders - or their surviving family members, would of course plead that it was the fault of the moose. PSGWSP. Meh.

For close-in work, how much is 'enough' gun for a pissed-off mama-moose? Nuke her from orbit?

- Brad

Borepatch said...

A moose bit my sister ...

bluesun said...

I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that she wasn't from Alaska.

Anonymous said...

Where is Darwin when you need him?
Has the fun of being on a four-foot wide path up in Alaska once. Looked up and a moose was coming down the same path toward me. Never saw a horse that big before or since. I stepped off and the moose just ambled on by.

NotClauswitz said...

I get the feeling that she wasn't from around there. Local knowledge is so important, tourists just don't have it.

BobG said...

She's lucky she's still alive. I've been charged by a cow with a calf, and it was touch and go playing tag around a tree with her for several minutes before the calf got bored and started to wander off, upon which the cow went after it.

Weer'd Beard said...

I'd be walking up to the moose I could get a clean .45 shot between the running lights.

Swamp Donkey tastes too good to leave em on the hoof!

SpeakerTweaker said...

Am I the only guy that has never heard a moose referred to as a swamp donkey? It sure seems like I'm the only guy in my office trying (and failing) to suppress laughter over it.


Jay G said...

Then you *definitely* don't want to think about it as sung to "Rock Lobster"...

[guitar riff] SWAMP DONKEY! Naaaaa nahhhhh

TinCan Assassin said...

Did she have Russian Accent? Was Squirell involved? Is witness named Boris?

Maura said...

"Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti..."

Too me so off guard and a flashback to college reciting that damn movie line for line. Funny!

Ah, when I used my brain for important stuff, like losing brain cells and Monty Python...