Monday, March 28, 2011

It Only Hurts When I Laugh...

Commenter Stretch sends this interesting story from right here in my happy little state:

Mass. job fair canceled because of lack of jobs

TAUNTON -- A Massachusetts employment organization has canceled its annual job fair because not enough companies have come forward to offer jobs.

Richard Shafer, chairman of the Taunton Employment Task Force, says 20 to 25 employers are needed for the fair scheduled for April 6, but just 10 tables had been reserved. One table was reserved by a nonprofit that offers human services to job seekers, and three by temporary employment agencies.

So nearly half of the tables reserved at the job fair were not actual employers, either? Ouch. How's that Massachusetts Miracle working out for you, Duval? Maybe you ought to take another overseas junket, you know, do some more traveling to promote your memoirs the state. It's good to know that things are running so smoothly in MA that the governor can just jet off wherever he wants in an effort to "promote trade" with MA - except of course that things aren't running smoothly - the state is still hemorrhaging jobs and citizens at an alarming rate, and the "let them eat new taxes" bag of tricks is starting to come up empty.

What's really shocking is how quickly he forgets the re-election he just barely squeaked by. Without Tim Cahill's fake candidacy to drain votes away from Charlie Baker, we might be looking at our first Republican governor in 5 years; instead, we're saddled with Cadillac Deval for another four years. The state gets another four years of clueless, rudderless "guidance" at the hands of someone who'd rather push a book deal than stick around in MA during a critical vote. He's already admitted that he's not going to run for re-election, so I guess the best we can hope for is that he spends the next four years traveling and as far away from the reins of the state as possible.

Lord knows we can't survive four more years of this kind of "leadership"...

That is all.


Brad_in_IL said...


Looks like the Land of Lincoln -- home to The Won -- is having problems of its own. Just like Fidelity announcing it was packing up its location in Marlboro, PRofMA, it looks like Caterpillar is picking up and moving out of Illinois. Why . . . in a direct paraphrase from CAT's CEO, "the climate is just too unfriendly for business." Heh. Sound familiar?

- Brad

Borepatch said...

Government of the hacks, and by the hacks, and for the hacks.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Also heard this news today. 13% of all houses in the U.S. are Vacant. No people. No maintenance. Is the gas/water/electricity shut off? What if the roof leaks? Who is fixing it? Who is keeping the weeds down, trimming hedges, etc? And where are the people who used to live in them? How many people are living with the Parents and the Grandparents?

Well, I guess Obama was telling the Truth: He DID Fundamentally Transform America. But so did the Civil War, the Great Depression, WW2, etc. So to all those People who voted for him and are now Homeless, Jobless, and living with the In-Laws, one question for you: How's that Hope and Change working out?

Bram said...

I moved out of MA 20 years ago.

When I first moved out, my family used to ask if I was coming back after grad school - I would try to explain to them why MA sucked (taxes, cost of living, my guns were banned, etc...).

Later on I would just laugh when they asked.

Now they don't ask any more - if any of them could sell their houses for what they paid, they would leave too.

libertyman said...

Raytheon closed a big plant in Waltham and moved production to Tennessee, I think. As long as there are moving trucks, people will leave Mass.

As Bram says, I left Mass 23 years ago without a single regret. Though maybe I appreciate my freedoms here in NH more because of it.

wolfwalker said...

"So nearly half of the tables reserved at the job fair were not actual employers, either?"

Hey, don't knock temp agencies. Last fall one of them got me a temp-to-hire placement, and the contracting company finally did exactly that. Full time steady work for the first time in a couple of years.

chris said...

Is there some sort of secret passage from MA to OR> The people here vote for the same kind of buttheads you get just because there Democrats! They also believe that all tax increases are "for the children" instead of keeping the tax wasters in there jobs. Unicorns are real aren't they?