Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Little Advice...

...Don't start reading "One Second After" immediately after finishing "Unintended Consequences"...

Unless you actually want to start digging a shelter in your basement, that is...

(A special thanks to PISSED for loaning me the reading material, too)

That is all.


B said...

"One second after" is a dramatized, fictional incident. But the lesson is there. You should be prepped for a while. Food, ammo, fuel, other supplies, water source and shelter, all of which should not need AC that is generated from an outside source.

Having said that, likely it won't be that bad if/when.

You always have to ask yourself....Do I have enough BEER?

And the "Unintended Consequences" scenario will arrive soon enough at the rate things are going.

Old NFO said...

Good point Jay... sigh... And who knows what the situation will 'actually' be?

bluesun said...

Clever, pushing off the blame to an innocent commenter!

And I am not joking--my WV is "wooke." How does it always know?

DaddyBear said...

Heh. That reminds me, I need to rotate stock in the bunker. And go to the range. But I needed to go to the range anyway.

Bubblehead Les. said...

You only dig in the basement to get under the concrete pad in your garage.

zeeke42 said...

Just wanted to share that I misread it as 'digging a shitter in your basement'.

Irish said...

Hidee ho Mr. G... Glad you enjoyed Unintended Consequences :). One Second After will leave you really thinking... and when I see you again, I will lend you Molon Labe.
After that.. nothing else will matter ;)

Robert said...

Being from Asheville, I can attest that One Second After accurately describes the hippie infestation here. Probably worse that what he writes, really. He does ignore some things that would create problems for his story, such as the huge main distribution warehouse for all of the Ingles grocery stores in the southeast, that sits inside the city limits of Black Mountain.

(I'll be dammed if my word verification is not AVENC as in AsheVilleE North Carolina)

Bob H said...

Is it available anywhere for a reasonable (under $30) price? $85 - $140 with shipping is a little steep. I could get a new .22 for that.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I think everyone should read these two books every year.
Helps keep your enrgy up.