Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pretty Cool...

I know I've mentioned my son's basketball team and their winning season before. The season ended a couple weeks ago, a couple pick-up games after February break, and we got a surprise e-mail from the coach of TheBoy's team:
Hi Cavs!

The season may be over, but the celebration has just begun! Thanks to our sponsor, we will be celebrating our undefeated season in style! On March 16th, at 4:30 PM in front of [School name], a limo will be waiting to pick us up and take us to dinner at the Sports Depot. Our sponsor will be providing snacks and drinks in the limo, as well as dinner at the Sports Depot. Looks like a lot of fun!

I think that it would be a great idea to wear our Cav's shirt one more time as a team for this event.

A limo ride and a free dinner. To a ten year old boy, that's like winning the lottery right there. I'm trying to remember the first time I rode in a limo; I think I was 16 or 17 and it was a friend and I taking our dates to see Aerosmith on New Year's Eve at the Boston Garden. My son's getting a night afternoon on the town with dinner thrown in - can't argue with that!

I just hope he doesn't start expecting a limo all the time... ;)

That is all.


Irish said...

Heh... wait until the junior prom when they want a limo and a hotel room :)

Weer'd Beard said...

By "snacks and drinks in the limo" do they mean "Hookers and Blow"?

Congrats to BoyG!

Old NFO said...

Hehehe- Good for him! Now you'll have to start letting him ride in the cab instead of the truck bed :-) (just kidding)