Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sometimes, the News Isn't All Bad...

Dog found alive in rubble, month after fire

Terisa Acevedo was crying tears of joy. Nearly a month after her dog Lola disappeared in a fire that destroyed her home, she found the pet alive Monday among the ashes of her burned-out and boarded-up house in Hyde Park.

“I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw her after all that time,’’ said Acevedo, standing outside the blackened house on River Street. “I hugged Lola in my arms, and I cried and cried. I cried more than I did when I was standing in front of my house watching it burn down.’’

Apparently Lola survived by eating cat food from the other half of the duplex. It appears she hasn't suffered any lasting damage from the fire nor her month in the basement. There's no reason given for the car alarm going off, but I'd like to think it was a sign to Ms. Acevedo to come back...

It's not all about rage all the time, folks. Sometimes I find a story that puts a smile on my face, too.

That is all.


LC Scotty said...

And we all breathe just a touch easier when Jay has a smile on his face. Especially the maniacal grin the holding a 12" bbl revolver seems to inspire...

Guffaw in AZ said...

Good to hear!