Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hell Hath No Fury...

PISSED sends in this head-scratcher:

Woman, 92, Goes Ballistic After Being Denied Kiss

MARCH 22--After being denied a kiss yesterday by a neighbor 39 years her junior, a 92-year-old Florida woman allegedly returned to her home, retrieved a .380 semi-automatic handgun, and fired several shots into the man’s residence.

Aged pistolero Helen Staudinger was arrested last night and charged with aggravated assault and firing into an occupied dwelling, according to a Marion County Sheriff’s Office report. Staudinger is pictured in the mug shot at right.

What can we learn from this?

1. Crazy comes in every age and both genders;
2. Not every spurned suitor who loses their s**t is a man; and
3. .380 ACP is a lousy house-stopper.

At least she didn't have a pink snubnosed revolver...

That is all.


North said...

".380 ACP is a lousy house-stopper."

Important take-away from all this.

Anonymous said...

I knew the .380 market was driven by sex crazied seniors.


Angus McThag said...

In point of fact, that house did not move a single millimeter after being struck by the fusillade.

.380 appears to be able to stop a house admirably.

SpeakerTweaker said...

.380 appears to be able to stop a house admirably.

A .45 would have blown that house off the slab and rolled it into the neighbor's backyard.


Anonymous said...

Nothing better than crazy p*ssy!

Daniel in Brookline said...

"goes ballistic". Cute.

I guess this is the flip side of your dead-goblin count, Jay -- gun owners behaving IRResponsibly. Kudos to you for reporting the crazies too.
