Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Speaking of Dead Goblins...

Brad_in_ma, apparently feeling cheated that today's update was only an update and not a new addition, sends in this story of a goblin getting what he deserved...

Flint store owner fired shots at two alleged robbers, killing one; customer tried to subdue second suspect
FLINT, Michigan — The store owner who shot and killed an alleged robber today also fired at a second man who police believe was acting as a lookout, said Cheryl Joubran, whose son fired the shots.

Joubran owns Jules Market on Lewis Street near Davison Road with her husband and son.The family has owned the business since 1972. For the first time in 10 years, someone tried to rob the market today.

I'll wager another 10 years goes by before the next attempt, so long as the program always reads:

10 Rob store
20 Get shot in face
30 GOTO morgue

Dead Goblin Count: 139

That is all.

1 comment:

Daniel in Brookline said...

Oh, God... a BASIC programmer. Jay, say it ain't so.