Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Captain Kirk, Octogenarian...

Happy Birthday, William Shatner!

A very happy birthday goes out to one of our personal favorites, William Shatner, who turns 80 years old today.

When he's not fouling up our television sets with "$#*! My Dad Says," Shatner has been hard at work creating some of the most iconic and nerdy characters in our pop culture history. From "Star Trek" to "Boston Legal" to "Miss Congeniality," the actor not only created a new pattern... of speech, but also wormed his way into our hearts and public consciousness as a man that we just love to love.

Captain Kirk is 80 years old today. Wow. Live long and prosper, indeed. Worry not, for Mr. Spock turns 80 this coming Saturday, so the Enterprise's store of Depends, prunes, and M1 Garands (to keep the new ensigns of their lawn) will be tested to be sure...

Happy Birthday Bill!

That is all.


Anonymous said...

They're EIGHTY?! EIGHTY?!?!


TOTWTYTR said...

How could you forget "TJ Hooker", no matter how hard you tried? Not to mention "Rescue 9-1-1", which I'd appreciate it immensely if you didn't.

Old NFO said...

LOL TOTW beat me to the Hooker one... He'll die on the screen, since he has to keep working to pay off the ex's

notDibert said...

Here's another one

Agent 99 is 78!!!!

SCI-FI said...

Where's that Shatner photo-bomb I sent you...?

Tango said...

HA! Look at the hat tip in this article: http://www.neatorama.com/neatogeek/2010/08/16/shatner-photobombs-convention-cosplayers/

Jay G said...

SCI-FI, it's here...