Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Only in MA...

Dealer gets three years in whale teeth case
A Nantucket antiques dealer convicted of illegally importing and trafficking in sperm whale teeth and narwhal tusks worth up to $400,000 was sentenced yesterday to nearly three years in prison. David Place was sentenced after a federal jury in Boston convicted him of eight counts including conspiracy and violating a law against trading in illegally captured wildlife, the US attorney’s office said.

Now, don't get me wrong. Dude's breaking the law, dude should pay the penalty. No question there. Remember, though, that MA is the same place that has drunk drivers on their 8th, 9th, and 11th OUI offenses, paroles violent felons serving three- or seven- life sentences, and lets child molesters out of jail in less time than someone that possesses a 12 round magazine made after 1994.

But don't you dare sell whale teeth! We'll throw your ass in jail for that!

That is all.


North said...

Rosie O'Donnell called. She said "I'th like tho be able tho sthew stheak again, pleath."

Irish said...

North ..LMAO!!!!

gator said...

Dude should pay a hefty fine or something and save the prison bed for someone else who's a threat to society: a murderer or an elected official, perhaps.

Antiques Dealer Dude better not tell 'em he's in for importing whale teeth. He'd better tell 'em he snapped one day and killed 18 people with a plastic fork.

ASM826 said...

Narwhal ivory grips for my 1911. Now I want some.

wolfwalker said...

Not to rain on your righteous wrath or nothin', but this was a federal court, sentencing him on a federal rap. Trade in 'animal parts' is covered by CITES, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, which is a properly signed treaty and has all the appropriate legal force under the Constitution. The feds set and enforce those penalties. This coulda happened in Texas as easily as in Boston.

Old NFO said...

But...but...he's a CRIMINAL...sigh...