Thursday, March 31, 2011

We Share the Planet with Loons...

Skidmark sent me a link to this post:

Students are “soft-bellied targets”
The animal rights loons are ranting again. These people are simply terrorists, as you can see in this quote from their odious website.

Every time a vivisector's car or home — and, eventually, the abuser him/herself — blows up, flames of liberation light up the sky.

They're quite proud of taking the unconscionably violent position. And now, just to show how low they can sink, they have announced a new target: our students.

Basically, one of the anti-animal testing groups is off their meds again. I won't link there - I refuse to give them the traffic - but I took a quick read last night. These people are the ideological twins to the "we hate abortion because it's murder so let's kill some doctors" fruitcakes. They want to stop animal testing - because it's mean to animals - and they're willing to maim and possibly kill researchers to do it.

Okay, I'll admit that some of this is personal - when I was a graduate student I performed vivisection. Some of this does hit home, because in a previous life these lunatics would have targeted me. I take this as a direct threat on my person and my well-being. When they threaten to blow up the car of someone who does research on animals, they're threatening to blow up my car. When they threaten the children of researchers (which they do), they're threatening my children.

Now, I understand that these people are a splinter group from a tiny fringe to begin with, but it's still pretty damned unnerving to see people calling for you to be terrorized, tortured, and possibly killed because you work with animals. Personally, I think they're doing a hell of a lot more harm than good to their cause, as now the whole of the anti-animal experimentation crowd will be viewed with a jaundiced eye.

The days of spraying hair spray into the eyes of a cute fluffy bunny to see if it goes blind are over. Calls for over-the-top actions like car bombs and targeting children will certainly backfire, garnering your intended victims sympathy and driving sympathetic folks away in droves. It's almost so far beyond the pale that one starts to wonder if this is psy-ops from the other side - no one could possibly be so fanatical as to say that killing a human to save a monkey is anything even vaguely resembling a rational argument.

I'd say you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, but these nutcases would probably try to bomb my truck for cruelty to Diptera...

That is all.


Marty said...

These are the same crazy people that want to neuter EVERY domesticated dog and cat. Removing "Unnatural Species" from the face of the Earth.

Cows and chickens and pigs and turkeys are on the list as well.

Domestication = abomination.

They keep this kinda quiet so they can still get cash from pet lovers.

Stretch said...

Wish they could be transported to the African savanna, Amazonian basin or Alaska's hinterlands. Let them "commune" with Nature on a 1 to 1 basis. They'll find out how kind and loving Nature really is.

Anonymous said...

Jay, just curious about what animal you had to vivisect in grad school. In school, I had to dissect the requisite fetal pig and later, a shark (fish heads in its stomach!).

TDC said...

Stretch, I don't think the "commune" would last very long. They would be fertilizer at best and indigestion at worst for some poor critter.

Jay, the capcha was "pawleg" what's up with that? Is it becoming sentient (and snarky as well)?

JP in MT said...

One of the main problems with these "individuals" is their aim... If it's anything like their logic, they could take out anyone withing a mile of their intended target

Bubblehead Les. said...

Has anyone else noted that all the Far Left Crazies that we thought had been consigned to the Dustbin of History have sprung up like Weeds since the November Election? Trashing State Houses, threatening to blow up cars, Anti-Gun local laws and regs and Magazine Bans re-appearing, mobs trying to shut down the Rights Wings Speeches and Political Conferences, etc. Do you think that by grabbing some State Houses and the U.S. House of Representatives, that the Commies are panicking, and may be gathering together to Prevent their Loss of Power BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY?

So what is your Plan of Action if the AnarcoCommies try to start some crap in Pittsburgh? Never mind. OPSEC. Just have one ready.

Ancient Woodsman said...

With a degree in wildlife biology, I did my share of both dissection and vivisection. That was almost 3 decades ago and the nuts were around then, too. Yes, they breed.

Nature is indeed lovely, but is not loving. It can be brutal, but is not cruel. Both simple and complicated, understanding the workings of nature is so far beyond the grasp of these juveniles that they actually think their simplified view is pretty & proper, and to be forced on the rest of us (and nature) that do know better than them.

However, convincing one who thinks they are a genius - and thinks you are a low-IQ right-wing nutjob - is impossible. Their minds, such as they are, are already & permanently made up.