Sunday, April 3, 2011

Obviously I Was Mistaken...

Because I thought that Sunday was supposed to be a day of rest...

More, later, if I survive the day...

That is all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Bubblehead Les. said...

I thought under the Anoited One's New Muslim Outreach Program, that FRIDAY'S were the Day of Rest, so one can go to the Mosque and learn all about the Evils of the Great Satan, and why Sharia Law MUST replace the U.S. Constitution. Didn't the Masshole Legislature just pass a Law making that so? After all, it would be Politically Incorrect to keep imposing those out-dated Judeo-Christian values that have led to the Apartheid-like Oppression of those poor Palestinians and their Brave "Rebel Fighters" such as Hamas and Hezbollah, now wouldn't it? Also heard that they are talking about leveling Plimouth Plantation and putting up a Madrassa instead. Gotta get those young boys learning the Koran (and ONLY the Koran!) ASAP!

Old NFO said...

LOL- Another honey-do list???

Anonymous said...

welcome to my past few weekends. :(