Saturday, April 30, 2011

Walking the Floor, Day One...

So yesterday was the first full day of the NRA convention. Started out with Unc, Weerd, and Dennis and a two hour car ride FROM HELL to the convention center. Two hours to go less than one mile - I'm not kidding here, I really wish I weren't. Then it took nearly an hour to find a parking spot. Sorry y'all, Pittsburgh SUCKS... We met up with Heath and Amanda, THOTpd, and OldNFO inside at the media center, got checked in and started walking.

We went to the bottom level first, where most of the gear-related vendors were located. I passed out a whole slew of cards, hopefully some of them will result in some interesting items for review later. It seemed like more vendors were warming to the concept of bloggers, as several places - Charter Arms most notably - were happy to chat with me about blogs and blogging and wanting to work with new media more in the future.

After walking the show, we attended a "Happy Hour" at the Tilted Kilt hosted by the good folks at Crimson Trace. We were stopped at the door and told that we were not allowed to carry inside the restaurant, which was a definite first for me. There was a moment of surreal as an older gentleman not-too-politely admonished us for taking pictures - claiming that we were ruining his quiet dinner. Bear in mind this is a sports bar with scantily clad waitresses and music playing at over 100 decibels (Alan measured it)...

More info and pics later - hoping to get some quality gun pr0n today!

That is all.


Laura said...

TWO HOURS??!? g'lord.

ZerCool said...

Good thing they disarmed all us open-carriers, otherwise there might have been guns in the restaurant and someone might have shot that polite old man. :-\

Anonymous said...

Charter is a great little company, and I'm not just saying that because they're only a few miles away. They're very supportive donating products to help the cause, and customer service (at least for us locals) is top notch. Usually if you have a problem you can walk right in and they'll drop everything to help you, and Nick the owner will buy you a cup of coffee while you're waiting. Good people. Hope our current governor doesn't drive them out of the state.

AMCIT said...

I don't mean any disrespect, but why on earth would one drive a distance as short as a mile in a city? Both traffic and parking are always notoriously bad in a city, and with as much walking as you're going to do anyway, it would seem prudent simply to walk.

Just a question from one who has attended several too many conventions in cities.

Anonymous said...

Lemme take that one, Amcit.
It's because it's downtown Pittsburgh, and they wanted to survive the trip to the center. Nobody in their right mind would walk through a mile in downtown Pitt or in Philly for that matter.

Anonymous said...

And jay, how did the doorguard know that you were carrying?