Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Different Meaning...

Flipping through the ol' iPod yesterday morning on the way to work, I came across this little ditty:

It's amazing how the sentiment the song evokes has changed since the start of the month, no?

That is all.


Bubblehead Les. said...

Oh, I don't know about the sentiment changing. Personally, I think that the Hatred this piece of Shit generated will only disappear when those of us who had to live through the Dark Days of 9/11 pass on. After all, there are still many, many Holocaust Survivors who hate Hitler, not to mention all those who lived through the regimes of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc.

Don't forget, there's still lots of his Evil Minions floating around out there. But they have to have one thought running through their minds since the elimination of this Dog Turd:

Who's Next?

Jay G said...


Good point.

I guess "sentiment" wasn't the word I was looking for - what I mean is before the news broke about bin Laden's death, this song was more like "we ought to do this" and now it's "happy dirth nap mofo!"
