Yep. As I mentioned, about two weeks before BAG Day I called up my local fun store and put my order in for a Bodyguard 380 of my very own. I knew that there was a wait for the gun; I didn't realize that it would take almost two months to come in, though. I started to get worried, actually - I am on the mailing list for the gun store, and they sent out a mailing telling folks they weren't taking any more orders for the Bodyguard!
I'll have a full review over at Guns, Holsters, and Gear in the next couple of weeks. I'll be taking the Bodyguard apart tonight and giving it a thorough cleaning and oiling, first - this is the first new gun I've bought in 7 years! I'll be putting it through it's paces tomorrow alongside the mystery T&E gun, which will get first pass at review, natch. I want to characterize both guns pretty well, so I'm going to count rounds at least to 500 for both guns. We'll see how they hold up!
So now the P3AT has another polymer pocket pistol to keep it company...
That is all.
Hey! My guess was close. I had said a Diamondback in .380.
Awww.... it's so cute! i just want to pinch its little mag release!
Next on the .380 Hit Parade: the Bersa Thunder!
Sh what is it going to be when it grows up? An M&P?
Actually, *that* gun has not been divulged yet (next week!)... ;)
Your comment literally made me LOL!
Now why would I do that when I have a perfectly good Makarov .380?
Heh. I'd like to have an M&P45 as its "big brother"... Especially considering the provenance of the .380/.45 ACP...
The one I ordered for the misses is still on the way. Perhaps beavers built a FedEx dam.
Having bought one two weeks ago let me give you a couple of my thoughts.The placement of the laser activation button makes it almost useless for defense purposes.It is in an awkward place and needs to be pressed to hard to engage it.I also don't like the two stage laser (constant and pulse) because it means you have to press the button twice to shut it off.I like the overall design of the gun the sights are large and easy to see I especially the fact they are dovetailed leaving open the possibility of after market sights in the future. I would like to see smith offer this gun sans laser and with night sights.Without the laser they should be able to drop the price to under $300.
Cant wait for the review. Get that gun to the range quick.
Maybe it was on the Truck that the Borepatch was talking about the he saw pulled over on the roadside in yesterday's post.
My wife bought one of these toward the end of last year. Because she is rather slender and frail, she can't rack the slide on many automatics, but she could manage it nicely with the Bodyguard. We took it to the range, and after six rounds through it, the laser quit and wouldn't come back on. Changed batteries and stuff, still nothing, so we sent it back to S&W under warranty. The laser works great now. We've put a couple of boxes of rounds through the pistol and it has performed quite well.
Called the Big Bo Store this morning. They have one on hold for me. Fingers crossed.
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