Thursday, May 26, 2011

Trip Down Amnesia Lane™

Unc talks about cooled seats, and it brought back an anecdote from high school. Senior year English class. Mr. Kline is talking about [boring-ass literature "classic" that I have forgotten the name of] and the concept of shame. Don't remember exactly how it came about, but Mr. Kline asks us the immortal question:

"Why do humans wear clothing?"

Before anyone else can answer, before the first snicker even starts, from the back of the room, Joel M. calls out:

"So we don't stick to our car seats in the summer time".

The class - Mr. Kline included - dissolved into laughter.

That is all.


Irish said...


elmo iscariot said...

Gulliver's Travels?

Jay G said...

I actually liked Gulliver's Travels... I think it was something by Thomas Hardy. Man, that guy could *ramble*...

elmo iscariot said...

Fair enough. The OP made me think of the scene in Gulliver where he talks about clothing and modesty, based on how the Houhynhms don't wear clothes.

Mikael said...

Still doesn't beat the girl who when the biology teacher explained that sperm is mostly glucose, asked why it doesn't taste sweet. Or this one:

ZerCool said...

Jay, you're dating yourself with that one...

The LAST car I know my parents had with vinyl seats was an '85 Dodge Aries (AKA "The K-Car" (a nice reliant automobile)). Since then? Vinyl is like the dodo, man.

Jay G said...

1. Dating myself is the only action I get these days; and

2. My '93 Ram had vinyl seats...

Not everyone can afford luxury cars, Z...