Wednesday, May 11, 2011

More Like This, Please...

Linoge and commenter notDilbert both sent in today's DGC addition, and it's a good one:

Woman shoots knife-wielding intruder in Gwinnett
A Gwinnett County woman shot and killed a home invasion suspect Wednesday morning after the knife-wielding intruder attacked her in the shower, police said.

The incident happened about 6:30 a.m. at a home in the 2800 block of East Mount Tabor Circle. Gwinnett police Cpl. Edwin Ritter told the AJC that the woman, who is in her late 40s or early 50s, was getting out of the shower when the intruder, who she did not know, turned out the lights and attacked her.
She fought with the goblin briefly, who then pushed her into her bedroom. Before he had a chance to do whatever it was he had in mind, she grabbed her gun (a .22LR!) and shot him. He later died of his injuries, but more importantly, discontinued his nefarious plans upon taking incoming fire.

Now, I don't know about the rest of y'all, but a 20-something male breaking into a house and forcing a female occupant into the bedroom at knifepoint isn't a good sign. Maybe he just wanted to chat with her about Amway products with an aggressive sales pitch, but it's far more likely his intentions were sinister.

I'd rather see a goblin bleeding out on the front lawn than a trauma victim try to get her life back together any day of the week...

Dead Goblin Count: 157

That is all.

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