Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Picture Day, Part 1

Here's a series of pictures taken at the convention...

Winning the HOLY CRAP THAT'S UGLY Award:

Cobra Revolvers

Other Cobras

That's the Cobra booth. What they lack in quality they make up for in gaudy and shitty trigger pull...

Here's an incredible Walther custom airgun that costs more than some custom 1911s:

Function *and* form

and a closeup of the trigger:

Bet that's light

Someday I hope to be worthy of considering the level of gun below this one...

And lastly, just because it's damn cool, another AOW pistol shottie:

Sprechen zie broken wrist?

KEG12. Look out Serbu.

I hope to run a few more series of pictures as the week progresses. With the new Nikon digital SLR, I took well over 850 pictures during the three days of the convention. Some of the pictures came out really well, while some show just how much I have left to learn about the new camera.

It's all good - it's all shootie (or stabby) goodness...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the air pistol rules require a 500 gram (~17.5oz) trigger, so I don't know how much lighter than that the mechanism could be set for. However, they're *niiice*


libertyman said...

That AOW picture makes the case for my bird's head grip on mine. Much easier on the wrist in recoil.

But, can you have one in Mass?

Wally said...

Someday I am hoping to own a SHF... Maybe not the KEG12 but I do like their style!