Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Training: Let's Get Some!

I've mentioned before about wanting to get some more training under my belt. After touring the Sig Academy, seeing the facility and getting the chance to talk to some of the instructors there, I'd like to get my start there. I've gone back and forth between their Handgun 102 and 103 classes, trying to decide if the 102 course is too basic, etc. but I think 102 is the place to start.

The last time I asked, we got a few folks interested in taking the Handgun 102 course:

Butch Cassidy

Looking at the calendar, there's a Handgun 102 class in the Epping, NH facility on Sunday, June 5th and Sunday, June 18th. Do either of these dates work for folks? Is everyone still in?
I'm happy to call up Sig Academy and see if we can't get a group training session together; we need to pick a date and make sure we've got the group assembled first, though.

Let me know if you're in and which day you'd prefer, and let's make this definite!

That is all.


JD said...

Both work for me but I would prefer the 5th if we can. . .

Butch Cassidy said...

As much as I would love to go, a ruckus in my yard has led to some hefty vet bills. For the sake of having a guaranteed group, you should probably count me out.

If I stumble across some cash in a reasonable time to add my name, I'll let you know.

Keystone said...

I'm going to be busy both of those dates :/

Also, I think you mean June 19th, June 18th is a Saturday.

There's one July 3rd, which could be possible (I'd have to double check finances...had a bit of a lurch with some crappy doctor visits, and just bought a new gun, plus house shopping and getting marired). Don't postpone just because of lil ol' me, but if you end up at the July 3rd one, I'll do my best to make it.

Anonymous said...

19th or 3 July.

Keystone said...

If we can get a date that works, I'm in +1.

JD said...

I can't do July 3. . .

Anonymous said...

Upon further review, the 19th is more better.

Old NFO said...

I wish... sigh... I'm on the road, and I don't have a Sig to shoot anyway :-)

Keystone said...

@Old NFO - they'll lend you all the gear you need, except ammo (frangible required, they sell it)

libertyman said...

Jay -- either should work for me.

Anonymous said...

If you are looking to get a group together, I am interested and right now both dates would work with a slight preference for the 19th.

Rich said...

Hi J,

I'm good for the 19th. I'll keep an eye on your blog for further updates.


Keystone said...

Uh oh...comments went away...

It sounded like the 19th was better for a lot of people, but that is Father's Day, which might not work for others...

July 3 is still an option.

JD said...

Can't do the 3rd, still pushing for the 5th , but can do the 19th. . .

Anonymous said...

we're in...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My comment disappeared, but I would be interested in either, with a preference for the 19th.

JD said...

OK, so are we set for the 19th? When do we have to book by?

Anonymous said...

Was a date ever picked???