Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Crimson Trace Grips

At the Crimson Trace-sponsored Happy Hour during the NRA Convention, I had a chance to chat with Top Shot winner Iain Harrison a bit (after he licked my head). I shamelessly whored myself out mentioned that, while I had written several reviews for other handgun laser sight manufacturers, I had yet to review the fine offerings from Crimson Trace as part of my MArooned Product Reviews.

A quick follow-up with Iain after the craziness of the convention had subsided to a dull roar, and he was kind enough to send a few items out to me:

Frickin' Lasers!

There's a Crimson Trace grip for a Smith & Wesson J-frame, a Colt Officer's model, and a third grip laser to be named later. I'm planning a full review for each grip and will get more in-depth during the complete review, but I do have to say that these were extremely simple to install. I couldn't help myself:

Installed, even!

Yeah, I put them on the same night. What can I say? I like instant gratification... I've got some range time scheduled this coming long weekend and will put the grips through their paces then, and should have a more comprehensive review up at that time.

Thanks again to Iain and Crimson Trace for this opportunity!

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Good stuff. I have 8 of them myself.

Rifleman762 said...

The only thing I dislike about Crimson Trace is the bulk, especially on the J-frames. I'd love to see a review of the side-mount models by LaserLyte or LaserMax for the J-frame.