Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday Gun Pr0n #217

I mentioned getting a firearm for T&E (testing & evaluation) a while back, asking for guesses on what it was. Several people actually guessed right:

9mm in the right pocket

While I couldn't (yet) score one of the new Ruger SR1911s (stupid MA Approved Roster, grumble grumble), the LC9 was pretty darn high on the list for a second choice. I've mentioned wanting a micro-9mm a few times previously, looking for something with more punch than a .380 ACP but smaller than my G30. I had toyed with the Kahr PM9, but after shooting both Lissa's and PISSED's PM9s, I just couldn't warm up to the trigger.

As for how I liked the LC9, well, the full review will be up later today at Guns, Holsters, & Gear!

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

My weekend is clear iffin' you want to bring some guns out to MRA

Irish said...

I have to check that out someday :)

Bubblehead Les. said...

I'm actually rethinking my attitude towards the Pocket 9mm concept. Looking forward to the review.