Tuesday, June 7, 2011

In Which Jay Shows His Childish Side...

Yes, sometimes I am stuck at 14. I chortled at this headline:

Democrats turn up pressure on Weiner

Look, as far as I'm concerned, unless Weiner (chortle) used House resources to conduct his personal business, this is a matter between him and Mrs. Weiner (chortle again). If he really hasn't used any Congressional resources, as he claims, then there's no reason to kick him out; if the voters in his district truly are repulsed by his behavior - especially the ridiculous "I wuz haxxord" defense - vote him out.

Until then, he shouldn't face any stiff penalties - and enough with the face time, it's obvious he's an attention hog...

(okay, okay, I'll stop now...)

That is all.


Irish said...

I hate to be hard-on you Jay but it looks like weiner might have erected some stiff questions in regards to the use of congressional and or government items...(its the Daily Mail so take if for what its worth)


always remember "the penis mightier than the sword" and texts are forever... :)

Anonymous said...

Bill Clinton: "Back in MY day we used to show it to 'em for real."

Weiner jokes aside, it's pretty obvious he HAS been doing this on the taxpayer's dime. The one person who he was having phone sex with called the number back and got his congressional office. There are multiple reports of him "sexting" during work hours, and I'm pretty sure I read at least one of the pics he sent was taken in his office.

Aside from all that, he's been proven a LIAR. He went on national TV and slammed everyone who even slightly questioned his initial story. He can no longer be trusted. He still says he hasn't had any physical contact with any of these woman. Do you believe him? What if he has? What if someone blackmails him to keep that quiet?

WV=suffis. Suffis to say I'd like this weiner gone.

Bubblehead Les. said...

So Weiner admitted he was Hot Dogging it (probably on the Congressional Dime), got Burned for it, and he's praying that it doesn't come out that there's a Bun in the Oven somewhere, a la John Edwards, eh? Well, I don't know about you, but I Relish it every time some Politician gets into a Pickle. But let's find out the facts, and let the Chips fall where they may.

Mad Saint Jack said...


Robert McDonald said...

He's a politician. That's enough reason to kick him out right there.

Roger said...

Sorry Jay, I gotta disagree with ya. Wiener spent a week lying to everyone he talked to about his behavior. He lied to the press, he lied on TV, he lied to his wife, he lied to his fellow representatives.
Only when he realized that all of his lies were about to be exposed did he decide to "come clean".
He's just another sleazy politician caught in his own lies.
He should resign immediately.
(Just because he works with the biggest pack of liars in the US, they haven't been caught - - YET. This doesn't give him licence to stay on the job after he's been exposed as a liar, violating the publics trust.)
That pack of thieves in washington needs a remedial course on honesty and personal honor. How 'bout puttin 'em through Marine corp basic training as a start.

Nancy R. said...

I had to learn this song in Girl Scouts in 4th grade. I didn't stick around long after that.

I love the wiener man
He runs a wiener stand
He sells most everything from hot dogs on down
I think I’d like that life
I'll be his wiener wife
Hot dog I love the wiener man!

Oh! Wiener, wiener, wiener on a hotdog bun
And mustard, too!
Oh! Wiener, wiener, wiener on a hotdog bun
And mustard, too!
A pickle, a touch of relish,
a slice of onion, maybe two
Will make us a very fine luncheon
For us to lunch on. Let’s do!

Jay G said...

Guys, I'm makin' dick jokes here not offerin' real political commentary...


Brad_in_IL said...

Oh, I wish I was an Oscar Mayer weiner . . . . .

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

"He's a politician. That's enough reason to kick him out right there."

Quote of the Day.

ASM826 said...

This was a growing problem. He tried to fix it yesterday with one swipe. Now Pelosi is putting the squeeze on it. He needs to take a hard look in the mirror at the results of his actions and come to some resolution.

Anonymous said...

If only his first name were Peter.............

TOTWTYTR said...

I just have to wonder how the Democrats will handle Weiner without making a mess of the situation? It could get sticky for them.

Childish enough for you Jay?

TinCan Assassin said...

I don't see any difference. What's your adult side like?

ExurbanKevin said...

No one can top the New York Post when it comes to snappy headlines: The editorial on Monday - "Erections have consequences."

ASM826 said...


The heck with Peter.
His name could be Harry.
He could have been a redhead and been nicknamed Red.
Or, like some big biker, been nicknamed Tiny.

Heath J said...

Uh huh huh, huh huh. You said Wiener...

This has been the most entertaining political scandal since Clinton.

As to the Wiener? Couldn't happen to a nicer guy :P

Stretch said...

He has a D after his name.
He'll be reelected and retire on our dime 10+ years from now.
Don't believe me?
Google "Gary Studds"
Yes, Jay. "Studds"

Dave H said...

Today must be "It Sucks To Be You If Your Name Is Weiner Day." I worked with a guy by that name years ago. Great guy, knew when to keep his mouth and his lens cap shut. I feel sorry for him today.

Anonymous said...

I'm still laughing...we made jokes about this guy all day at work. He's an easy shot for sure.

Weiners and Boehners in office make for funny jokes!

Anonymous said...

"attention HOG"....AAAH,HAH,HAH!!!

Anonymous said...

My last name is Weiner. Pronounced properly "Whyner". "Ei" is pronounced "eye" as in "Einstein."

Maybe it's because I live in Boston where people are more educated, but the only place I'm hearing anything is when I turn on the TV or radio. Nobody else has said anything. Unfortunately I grew up in the midwest and while most people grew out of this by third grade the scars run deep.

Anyway, my family is from Vienna. We are Jewish but the Viennese today treat us better than Americans. Not all Americans, but as Anthony pronounces his name as Wiener, which means "Viennese" which he doesn't deserve.

Vienna is synonymous with culture and refinement. (They jailed Hitler.) What do I care if a bunch of fatties from NC (that's you Nancy R.) or wherever make stupid childish "jokes"?

All Weiners, with either pronunciation, are way above average in the looks department. Anthony is a fool and has alienated his own namesakes, but even he thinks most of you are simply jealous.

Nancy R. said...

Anon: I'm a "fattie from NC" because my Girl Scout Troop leader made us sing a song called "The Wiener Man"? Let's hear it for culture and refinement"!

Michael W. said...

Hey Anonymous,

Maybe I have been reading the wrong history books, but in the Anschluss of March 12th 1938 the majority of the Austrian military and citizens did everything but throw palm leaves in the path of the German army to make them welcome. So when did they arrest Hitler?

As for Nancy R. she is a Virginian, not a North Carolinian, And isn't even close to being fat.

So pray tell, what was the point of your post, other than the one I assume is on your head?