Monday, June 6, 2011


You know, it's funny how your perspective changes over time.

Five years ago, I almost never carried a reload. If I was carrying a revolver, I had the five rounds in the cylinder and no more. Semi-automatics were limited to whatever was in the box +1. Over time, I came around and started carrying extra - for revolvers, a six round speed strip. Then an eight round. For semi-autos an extra magazine; wherever possible a higher capacity than what's in the gun (i.e. for the G30, a G21 magazine).

Well, the past two weeks I've been carrying the Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 or the Ruger LC9, neither of which shipped with more than one magazine - or have magazines in stock at MidwayUSA. I've been reduced to carrying a P3AT magazine with the Bodyguard - it doesn't work in the BG, but at least it holds .380ACP rounds better than loose in my pocket... And I've felt utterly naked walking around with just the capacity of the firearm I'm carrying - even though I used to routine carry that way.

It's funny how we can be programmed to change our thinking 180ยบ, isn't it?

That is all.


Butch Cassidy said...

I used to get weird looks from friends when they found out I top off the mag in my gun. They would tend to shake their heads when they noticed the spare mag on my hip. That reload on my hip and +1 in my sidearm always make me feel better, think what they will.

Actually, I think it time to write up a post on my carry habits when I first started and now. Thanks a lot, now I need to go dig out the camera.

Mad Saint Jack said...

Reload? What the hell do you think your Kurkri is for!


Jay G said...

MSJ wins quote of the day honors...

AnarchAngel said...

That's because you understand just how frequently shit goes wrong with guns, the people shooting them, and the people being shot at.

It's just common sense really.

Weer'd Beard said...

I hate carrying without a reload. That being said right now my wardrobe only fits my 5-shot wheelie.

Better than no gun at all, but would be a LOT better with a reload.

BTW at the gunnie prom my belt mag carrier wasn't working so despite the fact that I was SURROUNDED by people carrying guns (seriously if shit had gone down most of us would have to re-holster a cold gun, unless the Red Army decided to dump paratroopers on Pittsburgh) Didn't want to carry without a reload so I dropped my revolver in my pocket....and a few speed strips for that.

Really it boils down to cost/benefits. I don't carry a gun because I plan on using it, but I know if I NEED to use it and I don't have a gun I'll likely be killed, so packing a gun is a small hindrance for a HUGE payoff. Well if you pack a gun, what harm is it to pack a reload? What harm is it to pack a BUG?

Still right now my pockets are stuffed to the brim and I'll be sitting on my car keys in the doctor's office, so no reload today.

Joat said...

Why not carry the whole P3AT as a backup mag?

AnarchAngel said...

Actually, most of the time now for my 1911s instead of a backup mag, I carry a 340pd. I put a dump pouch on my belt and a speed strip in my pocket. 17 rounds of .357 plus 8+1 of .45 ought to be able to solve any serious social problem that doesn't need a shotgun or rifle.