Monday, June 6, 2011

So, The Non-Event...

You have any idea how difficult it is to get a picture of your 4 o'clock area while on a motorcycle using an iPhone?

Pretty darn hard...

That's me during yesterday's OC non-event. I took the Harley out for a ride, heading immediately for New Hampshire where open carry is perfectly legal and (for the most part) well-tolerated (outside of the urban areas). About 5 minutes over the border, I stopped to gas the Harley up, stow the lid in the saddlebags, and pull the jacket up over the Dragon Leatherworks Talon holster containing my Colt 1991A1. I would have taken my jacket off and stowed it with the helmet except that it was a balmy 58ยบ...

I guess in a way it was somewhat cheating - while, technically I was open carrying, I was also wearing a black leather holster on a black motorcycle while wearing black leather gear. I also kept to back roads in small towns in NH, staying well away from cities and population centers - although in all fairness it's one of my normal rides, so I would have had to go out of my way to go through a city.

It was entirely uneventful, which was the whole point of the day's non-festivities. No fanfare, no in your face, just going about one's normal business - with a firearm legally carried out in the open. Get enough people doing this, we start to normalize the concept of Everyman carrying a firearm - rather than keeping it hidden or apportioned to law enforcement only. It's funny, isn't it - a T-shirt with the word "POLICE" stenciled across the back and no one tosses a second glance at the guy openly carrying a Glock 22. It's time the scruffy guy with the shaved head and the well-worn Harley shirt got the same lack of attention while carrying...

I can sum the ride up in six words: No lid, no cover, no problem.

That is all.

UPDATE: You know, I've read through this post over a dozen times, and I just noticed that I somehow, mysteriously, forgot to post my best observation from yesterday's OC ride:

Here I am, riding my Harley down a quiet, twisty country road with a loaded 1911 strapped to my waist for all and sundry to see.

If that ain't America, I don't know what is.


Brad_in_IL said...

I must be a burgeoning 1911 geek as I immediately noticed that as a 1911 pattern pistol -- carried of course in Condition 1.

- Brad

jetaz said...

I just got to say that that is a really sexy looking set up.

WV: lawkil. I surely hope not.

breda said...

Much appreciated, Jay!!

Laura said...

no lid = you're crazy! CRAZY ITELLYA.

Chainsaw said...

Is it me, or is the hammer back in the picture?

Jay G said...


That is not you - that's a 1911 carried in condition 1, also known as "cocked & locked".

There are no less than three safeties at play here:

1. Thumb safety.
2. Grip safety.
3. Firing pin block.

(And Laura, I know, but it's such a pretty ride and at low speed...)

doubletrouble said...

Guns & bikes. Lots of bikers at the open house Saturday (minus a Jay G).
Best T-shirt of the day (on a lady):

"HONK! If you've never seen a gun fired from the back of a motorcycle"

Jay G said...

D'OH!!! A thousand pardons, DT. The worst past is that I got the e-mail from SL and was thinking about riding out to the Open House. Unfortunately family obligations got in the way. Next OH for certain!

Laura said...

Jay - doesn't matter how slow you're going when someone else hits you. [/worried mama hen]

Anonymous said...

I'll be riding those twisty NH roads myself in less then a week. Ya coming up this year?

Heath J said...

I need an icon for a smiley face with a lighter while playing "Freebird" or something in the background.

Rock on dude.