Friday, June 24, 2011

Sadly, It's Not Just Massachusetts...

The Big Guy sends in the following story about a dumb criminal - and an even dumber criminal justice system:

Freed from GPS device, parolee allegedly takes part in burglary, shooting

Last Wednesday, as part of the state's effort to save money in the corrections agency, a parole agent removed a GPS tracking device from Lawrence Lamar Jackio, a 20-year-old gang member on parole for burglary.

The next day, Jackio, who is known as "Poopie," allegedly made his way to Palm Grove Drive in Rancho Cordova, where authorities say he took part in a burglary and home invasion that turned into a gunbattle with the homeowner.

By the time it was over, Jackio's alleged partner was shot in the head, the homeowner was wounded in the hip and Jackio had been shot in a leg.

He's a "20-year-old gang member" who has been in the CA criminal justice system since 2005 - meaning that he was committing serious crimes at the tender age of 14. That's only a little older than TheBoy. So how does the CA "justice" system respond to this career criminal? They let him go! Of course! There's no need to track gang members released on early parole!

I love the "system" they use: on a scale of 1 to 4. When you're looking to release folks to save money, you think that might have something to do with the decision to classify someone as a "2" rather than a "3"? Why not just cut the BS and have "release today" and "release next week" as the only options, because that's sure what it looks like. I mean, really:
Sacramento County sheriff's investigators believe Jackio had been free of the device for one day when he and an accomplice went to the 9900 block of Palm Grove Drive last Thursday.
One. Day. Gee, there's nothing in his background that would indicate a tendency towards anti-social violence, is there?
Court files show a lengthy criminal history for Jackio that began with a July 2005 burglary arrest and referral to juvenile hall. Since then, he has faced charges of burglary, robbery, conspiracy to commit a crime, robbery involving a firearm, failure to obey a court order and numerous other counts, court files indicate.
"Robbery involving a firearm"? From someone under the age of 21 in California? The highest-ranked state in the Brady scorecard? Obviously this news article is wrong. Guns are tightly controlled in California; clearly this underage criminal could not have gotten his hands on a handgun.

Again, and I know it gets tiresome hearing it over and over, but it bears repeating: It's not the gun that needs control, folks...

That is all.


Lissa said...

He illegally got a gun in California? UN-POSSIBLE!!!

Bubblehead Les. said...

But Jay, you don't understand. You see, Kalifornia has Billions of Dollars in unpaid bills, and those Evil Republitards in Congress won't Bail them Out, and for some reason Tax Paying Companies and Citizens are leaving the People's Republic, so they have to get some money from somewhere to Save the Snail Darter and sponsor State Art Projects by the Graffiti Gangsters, not to mention all those Union Contracts they have to dole out Big Bucks to so that the Demicommies can get their Campaign Donations from said Thugs. Besides, everyone KNOWS that it's Society's Fault this poor lad turned to a life of Crime. I guess he didn't receive enough Free Housing, Food Stamps, Education and Health care while growing up, now did he? He probably got his guns from some Bastard Straw Buyer who went to Nevada and brought it back to Kalifornia, also.

Irishdoh said...

BL, you have hit most of it on the head! But remember, we still have a few of the Evil Gun Shows here where Bastard Straw Buyer can exploit the amazing Gun Show Loophole (has Feinstein copyrighted that term yet?), so going to Nevada isn't needed. He likely just used the loophole to buy cases of handguns from the back of a Prius (it is CA, after all) and then forced the gun into Poor Mr Jackio's hand, pushing him into the garage of that family against his will. At 3am. It's tragic, really. All Bush's fault, I'm sure...

Robert said...

Darn, no DGC addition from this?

Braden Lynch said...

Rancho Cordova is in my backyard. However, I'm supposed to believe that the police will be able to protect me.

That's why the state of California thinks I need to wait ten days for a firearm along with all the other nonsense restrictions they put on us. To hell with the politicians!

Old NFO said...

This is just the tip of the iceburg... there are 34,000 more coming to a neighborhood near you soon... sigh...