Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Warning: Disturbing Content Inside...

Before I go any further, I want to issue a warning:

Caution: Graphic images ahead. Do not continue if you have a love of aviation, military history, or both.

Brad_in_ma sends in the following saddening story:

Plane crash involving WWII bomber in Oswego

OSWEGO, Ill.—A confirmed plane crash in Oswego involving a restored WWII bomber.


The plane is a Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, a WWII bomber that was restored and named in honor of the Liberty Belle

[removes hat for moment of silence]
(picture from link)

There is one less Flying Fortress in the skies now. According to this link (also kindly provided by Brad), there are only 12 air-worthy B17s remaining in the world. The bomber that helped bring the Axis to its knees is slowly fading away, much like the members of the Greatest Generation that stormed the beaches of Normandy some 67 years ago.

If you get the chance to see a B17, take it - they will not be around much longer...

That is all.


chiefjaybob said...

Listened to this on the fire radio as it was only about 15 miles from me. Broke my heart, but thank G-d everyone got out safely. Minor injuries only.

Keystone said...

I saw that, yesterday - sad, sad, sad. I've been lucky enough to see, I think, 3 different B-17's, and to take a ride in one. Never saw the Liberty Bell, and now I never will. It's always crappy when we lose an old warbird, even worse when it dies in such a manner that it's totally unrecoverable.

At least the old girl got her crew home, safely.

Jay G said...

Yeah, I think that's a fitting tribute to the ol' Fortress that she was able to keep it together long enough to get everyone out safely...

Anonymous said...

Sad. My Grandfather went for a ride in it last year.

It will be missed.

Weer'd Beard said...

Dunno if I'm being to trite, but she DID die with her boots on!

I'd prefer to go out that way rather than rot in a boneyard until the price of metal makes it worth it for them to scrap me.

just sayin'

Brad_in_IL said...

Not only a fitting tribute to the plane & its designers, but a fitting tribute to the pilot who had the presence of mind to put down IN A HURRY for his crew.

You can see a B-17 locally -- look up The Collings Foundation.

- Brad

Stretch said...

Lady Liberty brought her crew home.
And it looks like at least 2 engines, the tail gear and possibly the starboard landing gear will be able to be used by her sisters.
This site has info on WWII aircraft shows.

Anonymous said...

Damn near cried. This B-17 has lots of ties to where I live. After the war it was used by Pratt & Whitney for 20yrs as an engine test bed. It then spent another 20yrs at 2 different CT air museums before a 15yr long restoration back to flying condition. She returned home almost every year since, and while I never got the chance to ride aboard her, other friends have. I do have pictures of her flying over my house and work. http://youtu.be/v59h5pKcLF8

Anonymous said...

Lets not also forget the Goodyear blimp crash this weekend. The pilot died to save his passengers and crew.

Bubblehead Les. said...


Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...


Eck! said...

Technically a successful off airport landing (no injuries) or direct damage. But the engine fire is serious and unfortunately led to total destruction.
There is a lot of high octane fuel and
some 20 gallons of engine oil with lots of heat. Fires are serious.

While it's a total loss its good to hear there were no injuries or homes damaged.


Comrade Misfit said...

The fire appeared to be in the fuselage, not the engines.

This airplane was damn near destroyed by a tornado in 1979. It would be a real our-starred bitch to rebuild it again, but I'd not count it out.

Angus McThag said...

Pics of her in happier times:


My buddy and I spent the money for the ride in Liberty Belle Oct '09.

I agreed with the pilot that planes belong in the air. He agreed with me that meant that eventually all would be lost to some sort of mishap.

Patrick said...

I got a ride in her about 5 years ago. We buzzed the nearby big airport while I was riding in the glass nose. Makes me cry to see her gone. My photos mean that much more now...

Ancient Woodsman said...

Saw Liberty Belle, a companion B-24, and escorting P-47 & P-51 fly by the Blue Job fire tower one day a few years back. We looked down on all four as they went by - what a sight!

I'll remember that day forever. Sad to see the old gal go, but she had a good run.