Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Add Another One...

Sean sends in another addition to the DGC:

Teen shot to death during Sumter home invasion

SUMTER, S.C. Authorities say a 16-year-old man has been shot and killed as he tried to rob another man in his Sumter home.

Sumter police say the dead teen and three others were part of a robbery around 4:30 p.m.

Sixteen years old is far too young to be shot dead for being a criminal. Don't get me wrong - you kick in my door with three of your hoodlum friends and take a shot at me, I'm going to do my level best to stop you with extreme prejudice whether you're 16 or 60. But damn, it's just a shame that he made the decision to throw his life away pulling crimes rather than working for things...

And yes, it also saddens me that this is, yet again, another "child killed by gunfire" in the eyes of the anti-rights people. They'll include this thug in the statistics same as some poor kid who comes across the loaded pistol in daddy's sock drawer, even though the two situations are worlds apart. The sixteen year old made a decision to break the law. He made a decision to breach someone's private sanctum with several other thugs - while armed - all to score, what? A couple hundred dollars worth of electronics?

A dirt nap's a high price to pay for not workin' hard.

Dead Goblin Count: 170

That is all.


Bubblehead Les. said...

Having once been a 16 year old male, whenever I see a group of Teenage Males going by my home, I'm glad we have Castle Doctrine, and my Yard Work gun is in my pocket (Summer time, you know. In the Back Door, out the Back Door, where's that paint can?). Too bad I have to assume they're looking for easy targets to rob, instead of looking for Lawns to mow.

Tom Stone said...

It looks like a drug deal gone bad.
