Thursday, July 7, 2011


I may never fly again.

Security officials see renewed interest in implanted explosives
Washington (CNN) -- Terrorists intent on striking commercial aircraft have shown renewed interest in surgically implanting explosives in humans to circumvent airport security, a U.S. security official tells CNN.

The idea of implanting bombs has been discussed in the past, but the United States has obtained fresh intelligence about the desire of terrorists to implant devices, according to the official.

You think going through airport security is a farce now? Just wait until you have to stand behind every overweight, overly endowed, scarred, or (slightly) different body type because they *might* have a bomb implanted in them. Think the current state of pat-downs and scans are intrusive? Wait until they want a full medical x-ray just to get on the plane.

Y'know, I wonder if this isn't just a ruse from the tangos. I picture them hanging out in a cave near Bora Bora, doing opium hits off a giant bong, coming up with the most bizarre plots imaginable to f**k with American security. The most far-out rumor going - if taken seriously - can have vastly deeper implications than a foiled plot - if they get us all paranoid about implanted bombs, there's no telling the depths to which we'll sink trying to foil that type of plot.

Then again, given the success of the shoe- and underwear- bombers, it might be comic gold! See crazy Apu blow his nuts off trying to detonate his prostate bomb! Watch Achmed pass out in the airport concourse because his backroom surgery got infected! Howl with riotous laughter at the footage of a poorly constructed bomb explodes too early, removing an entire cell.

In any case, something tells me this ain't gonna end well...

That is all.


Teke said...

From past events I see them letting Achoo who has fresh stitches on his gut and an odd mass in his gut past but the 95 yr old grandma with 20yr old pacemaker and open heart surgery scars will be subjected to intense scrutiny. Or me with my 20 yr old scars on my wrist from when I broke it as a kid. We they'll probably try to anal probe me because I looked at Jesus funny.

Teke said...

That Jesus ans in Hey-zeus not as in the son of God. They are god and they have no son's according to the records.

Bubblehead Les. said...

As one of the last people to get the old style Gall Bladder Removal Operation back in the 80's, this is now Reason # 1,398 why I won't Fly.

Meanwhile, Air Cargo from around the World is being loaded every second w/o any screening...

Irishdoh said...

So basicaly, someone at TSA had a long weekend and rented The Dark Knight and Hitman. Wonderful...

Braden Lynch said...

Time to take the kid-gloves off.

Drop all pretense of security in the airports. Inform the world that, if an airplane is hijacked or bombed, our response will be nuclear annihilation of a city in one of "those" countries that give us so much grief. Some one once suggested use of a fishbowl with names of countries on the slips.

Totally disproportionate, but it would deter attacks. They might even start policing themselves to avoid such a response. We should live free, and finish decisively any fight they decide to start.

Ed said...

Someone may have let their imagination run after seeing "The Hurt Locker", where explosives are implanted in a child's corpse.

The bottom line is still that if you have people sufficiently motivated to kill you and are willing to die trying, the chances are great that you will be hurt.

"Feeling safe and secure" does not make you "safe and secure". How much freedom are you willing to exchange for the illusion?

Anonymous said...

I can't actually understand why anyone is still flying. One trip in February changed it for me.

I grew up an Air Force brat, I flew overseas, I flew cross country, I flew in big planes, medium planes, little planes, airliners, private, Air Force planes, Navy planes. I LOVE TO FLY, but I won't do it again on an airline if I have ANY choice in the matter.

If we simply stopped flying for 2 days, the outrage from the airlines would be so huge that TSA would be done.

But we won't, and I won't fly again unless its an emergency and a family member is dying.

I'm ready to help form "Gun Toters Airline", anyone else on board?