Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday Car Pr0n

Spotted at the kids' summer camp drop-off:

1932 Ford coupe with a little work. Belongs to a buddy of mine (his dad, actually). Chevy 350, auto transmission, and it'll do wheelies in second gear...

Perfect car to take to the local ice-cream stand!

That is all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


BobG said...

Friend of mine had one of those when I was in high school, only his was taxi cab yellow.

Weer'd Beard said...

Was there a classic car thing going on this week? Yesterday I think I saw 5 Deuce Coupes (or other cars from that era, I know nothing about cars of that time) around the lake.

Granted the lake is popular for cruising, generally you just see modern sports cars and bikes...

Bubblehead Les. said...

You would get out of the car to eat your Ice Cream, I hope. ; )

Jay G said...

Nah, not this one. The interior in this car has been replaced many times...

Old NFO said...

Real tin or plastic???