Friday, July 15, 2011

Too Delicious To Pass Up...

Kennedys at odds over compound
The Kennedy clan will gather tomorrow for a wedding at its Cape Cod compound amid tensions about the future of the property and following a public airing of dissension within the storied political family.

Negotiations are underway to transfer ownership of the main Kennedy home in coming months to the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate, a proposal that has raised concerns among family members who live on adjacent property, according to two associates close to the family who spoke on condition of anonymity.

As much as I can't get enough of the delicious, delicious schadenfreude of the Kennedys squabbling over the disposition of the compound, this really jumped out at me:
It has also been the scene of the family’s most serious political crises. The clan and their coterie of legal and political advisers gathered there in the hours after Edward Kennedy returned from Martha Vineyard’s in 1969 following his car accident on Chappaquiddick; he had left the scene of the accident in which a young woman was killed. The family’s legacy was on the line, and Kennedy was facing disgrace, with his political career on the brink.
They couldn't even name her, let alone discuss Kennedy's shameful behavior. It is brushed off as "left the scene", as though Kennedy inadvertently rear-ended someone and then left for home. Even today, some two years after the man's passing, they can't bring themselves to fully shine the light on the man's callous indifference to the life his carelessness took. Ted Kennedy got 40 more years to live than Mary Jo. It would have been a start if the Globe, disgusting sycophants that they are, could have bothered to print her name.

As for the compound and family strife? I've got three words, and one of them isn't fit for a family outfit - TFB...

That is all.


ASM826 said...

F' em all. They should bulldoze the place and build a windfarm.

Jim said...

I'll feel sorry for them only after Mary Jo Kopechne has her say.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Perhaps it should be sold off and a National Guard Armory be built on the spot? Nothing like having an Arms Depot placed on the Homeland of one of the Biggest Anti-Gun Political Famlies in American History.

But they'll find a way for the Mass Taxpayer to turn it into some kind of "Peace Studies Center" while they run away with the money at your expense.

Lissa said...

"he had left the scene of the accident in which a young woman was killed"

Death by passive voice!