Friday, August 19, 2011

Curse You, Big Business!

That's what's wrong with Washington, right? We're always hearing that the powerful businesses are buying congresscritters left and right and twisting their arms to pass bills favorable to big business - and detrimental to America at the same time.

Except, of course, that the reality is a stone-cold bitch.

Read that list. Of all donations to political parties, the GOP doesn't make the top ten largest donors. Or the top 16, for that matter. Yes, they get a slight edge on the third and fourth slots, but given that the first and second positions, the ones that donated the most, were so thoroughly left-leaning as to be one-sided,

Now read the list again. Count up how many donors have "Union" or "Brotherhood" in their names. Those are the groups that are "for the little guy", the ersatz "voice of the people. And they're out-spending "big business" by a large measure, and it's all going to one party and one party only.

If anyone is "buying influence", it ain't Big Business...

That is all.

NOTE: Thanks to Roadkill in Gunblogger Conspiracy chat for the link!


Bubblehead Les. said...

Well, this only confirms why the Unions are trying like Hell to Repeal the various State Anti-Union laws that are slowly coming out. Guess they Hate to have to lose all that money that Tax Payers feed into those State workers, who then HAVE to pay Union Dues, which then get feed to the DemoCommies.

Just think, the next time you look at your Withholding on your Pay Check, some of your cash is going to smelly Hippies who crap on State House Floors.

Of course, that list does tell me who I could Boycott, also.

Mikael said...

Big business donated to rethuglicans(or evenly to both), and unions donate almost exclusively to democraps. Everyone is bought.

Unknown said...

Amen, Mikael.