Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dragon Leatherworks: Vicious Talon...

I mentioned a while back that Dennis was going to have a limited run of holsters to commemorate the 100th episode of Vicious Circle.

Vicious embossed circle

Yep. That's the VC logo all right. Here's the whole thing:

Classy... with a screwdriver

Yeah, I had to use the Gold Cup with the waycool pirate alumagrips from JP (thanks again JP!) for the shot. It just seemed... fitting.

Dennis is getting slicker and slicker with each successive holster. The first Talon I reviewed has been worn pretty extensively in the past six months or so, well, at least as extensively as someone living in the Volksrepublik can. Once the temperature got warm, OWB holsters become harder and harder to conceal on a regular basis, so I eagerly await fall and cover garments... Even after all this time the Talon looks just as good as it did the day I got it, retaining the finish and form despite being banged around all over the greater Northeast...

And now I've got a shiny new one just in time for the Northeast Bloggershoot on Sunday!

That is all.


Bubblehead Les. said...

Dennis's Fugly IWB is a Fine piece of Summer Weather Wear (Hint! Hint! Nudge,Nudge, Wink! Wink!).

mdev said...

I also have one of the VC talons on the way and when it comes I will make sure to review it so all can see.