Monday, August 29, 2011

The Facts Beg to Differ...

Oh, boy, Øbama Jr.'s gone and done it again...

Illegal immigration is not to blame for fatality, Patrick says

Governor Deval Patrick said yesterday that he shared the community’s outrage over the death of a 23-year-old Milford man struck last week by an alleged drunk driver who was also an illegal immigrant. But the governor urged people not to blame the death on illegal immigration.
“It’s a terrible, terrible tragedy,’’ Patrick said at the end of a news conference about preparations for Hurricane Irene. But, he added, “Illegal immigration didn’t kill this person. A drunk driver killed this person, and we have laws about that. And I expect the book to be thrown at this person.’’

I've covered this story before, and it still infuriates me. In a sick, twisted way he's right. Illegal immigration didn't kill Matthew Denice, a drunk driver did. However, it was a drunk driver who had no business being in the country, never mind on the streets, and that is a direct result of the inability of the state of Massachusetts to deal with criminals in general and illegal aliens specifically.

Now, here's the thing. If I assaulted a cop, you had better believe I'd be charged with a crime and treated accordingly. I'd gain a felony conviction, making me ineligible to own a firearm anywhere in the US. But since Mr. Gauman was an illegal alien, charging him with a felony would have meant alerting Immigration, and we progessives in MA certainly couldn't have that. So they mysteriously marked the case Continued Without a Finding, meaning that as long as Gauman used a different fake ID next traffic stop stayed under the radar, he'd be off scot-free.

Read that again. The state of Massachusetts would rather release a dangerous criminal back into the general population than run the risk of an illegal getting deported. They would rather downgrade rather serious crimes (assault and battery, breaking & entering) to that of a speeding ticket in order to maintain the illegal alien voter base. That is what killed Matthew Denice - the incessant pandering to the criminal population.

Again, Governor Deval, j'accuse.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Military pilot pedophile who paid a CHILD to allow him to copulate him:::He was 17 and the boy was 11!!
"I'll let you drive my car if you let me suck your dick."
HE wanted to be the prostitute. Military piliot, male prostitute.
How long did "Military pilot::Male prostitute" masterbate and think about homosexuality? A year? "Into his 20s."
After he enlisted in the military? Into his flight training?
He was 17 and the boy was 11!!! A junior in high school having sex with an 11 year-old boy. AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT!!!! He needs to be on a list the community can reference.

Bram said...

I blame the car.

Weer'd Beard said...

Looks like Barry-O's Drunk Uncle got arrested for DUI in Framingham, and he isn't here legally either.

Aunt Zetuni got Political Asylum, so she's now legally on welfare and section 8 housing....

So nice of us to be paying for our President's loser relatives, that way he has more money for vacations and golf!

I don't need that money anyway!

Matthew said...

It's a tragedy but our gun laws didn't kill this person, a criminal with a gun killed this person...

Try that on for size Gov.

Old NFO said...

Sigh... Yep, being illegal had NOTHING to do with it... sure...