Monday, August 29, 2011

Playin' Around...

Thanks to Borders cartwheeling into the ground on fire, we picked up a very nice selection of board games for rock-bottom prices. It came in handy yesterday during the ZOMG HURRICANEPOCALYPSE, if for nothing else than having a non-electronic source of amusement in case of power outage. When Irene started to wind down without too much incident, we had some fun...

Come On Irene

And yes, we did use all the letter tiles...

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

There was a neat thing that didn't take electricity that the wife and I did.

What was cool was at the end the electric fan we had in the room kicked on as the power started back up.

Dave H said...

I had fun spectating. (No, not what Weer'd was doing.) Driving east from Buffalo to Rochester at noon Sunday, I could see the edge of Irene's cloud shield off in the distance. It was very different from the overcast I was driving under. Considering I could see it while I drove for 50 miles and never did reach it, it must have been really high.

SpeakerTweaker said...

Wow, 42 points for "quit" is a pretty good score! Who says quitters never win?



Lissa said...

Ooo, that's a good idea. I stopped by our local Borders but things were only 20%; I get better than that on Amazon. That was a few weeks ago though . . .

Ross said...

Yup, I played Scrabble, too, during Irene... only by candlelight.

BTW, Jay... you can't use Irene; it's a name, not a word. And poweroutage is two words. J'accuse!!