Friday, August 12, 2011

Good For Them!

Just got an alert from the Second Amendment Foundation:


BELLEVUE, WA - The Second Amendment Foundation today announced that Glock, Inc. has donated and pledged significant financial support to SAF's on-going litigation efforts in defense of firearms civil rights.

SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb made the announcement, noting that Glock has now become the largest corporate contributor to the foundation, in recognition of the important legal efforts SAF has mounted and will continue to pursue.

"I want to publicly and personally thank the management and ownership at Glock," Gottlieb said, "and all Glock employees who have made this possible. Specifically, I want to thank Glock Vice President Josh Dorsey and General Counsel Carlos Guevara for their involvement and for making this happen.

"SAF's victory in McDonald v. Chicago has made all of this litigation against onerous state laws and municipal ordinances possible," he continued, "and it is imperative that we continue and expand our legal challenges with the greatest possible speed.

"Glock's generous support comes at a critical time," Gottlieb added. "Most of our members and supporters make contributions in the $10 to $25 range, and Glock will be providing significant additional support in our efforts to win back firearms freedoms one lawsuit at a time."

In case folks are keeping score, that's a +1 for Glock at least in my book...

That is all.


Bubblehead Les. said...

Good for Glock! Hope it's enough cash to get another Big Win at SCOTUS.

lelnet said...

I'm going out and buying a Glock this weekend, thanks to this. And I plan to write them and tell them so.

Ross said...

I still don't like their guns, but the company's OK in my book!!

DaddyBear said...

Well damn, I may just have to buy a Glock just to reward them for this. Who knows, maybe the wife or one of the kids will find a use for it.

Stretch said...

How many years would that keep the Brady Bunch running?