Thursday, August 4, 2011

Gunnie Dreams...

Well, I finally had one. I guess it's not really so much that I *had* a dream, but that I remembered it, but that's not the point of the story. Most folks have gunnie dreams about things going wrong - insanely heavy trigger pulls, failures to fire, rounds not having any impact, etc. Nope, not me.

I have dreams about becoming ineligible...

So, for some reason known only to my bizarre subconscious, in my dream I decided to knock over a liquor/convenience store. I don't know why; I used my S&W model 19, which is more than likely worth more than I could get from a convenience store hold-up - but whoever said that dreams were supposed to make sense??? The worst part is that it was a local business where I get gas on a weekly basis, and I drove my truck and didn't wear a mask or anything. Just walked in, stuck a gun in their faces, and left with a fistful of $20s.

I then spend the next (?) minutes/hours of the dream worrying about being caught, about going to jail, and, most importantly, having to sell all my guns because I would be a felon and therefore ineligible to own firearms. Now, I'm sure that part of this is my subconcious being concerned about living in MA, where they can revoke your LTC on a whim for any reason they care to list. However, that's a far cry from being a felon who can't just pack up and move to NH and carry on...

And I touched on that, too - even in my dream, I knew that being a felon meant that I could never go shooting again; that it would be the end of something I enjoy very much. No more bloggershoots. No more taking new shooters to the range. Of course, my brain found the one bright side - all that disposable income that formerly went to guns, ammo, and gear... (No one told my subconscious that I'd probably lose my job after going to jail, apparently...)

The mind is a fantastic place, isn't it?

That is all.


Lissa said...

For what it's worth -- you would make a TERRIBLE felon :)

Weer'd Beard said...

Don't worry bud, I'll buy them off you cheap, and bring your porn and cookies while you're in the Joint!

automaticgiant said...

I had a dream a few nights ago in which I partook of some friends' marijuana. Not only was I carrying, but some cops showed up as well. All I could think about was losing my right to bear arms until I realized it was a dream. Then I got the hell out of there.

Bubblehead Les. said...

This dream is actually very simple to analyze. Your subconscious is trying to tell you that you need to get some more .357 before the Blogshoot, but not to max out the credit card doing so. So go to the Gunnie Store today and stock up, and you'll sleep well. Same time next week, right? Oh, and make sure the Receptionist validates your Parking before you leave. Next Patient, Please.

Old NFO said...

LOL- At least yours 'semi' makes sense... Unlike most of mine...

Dave H said...

The mind is a fantastic place, isn't it?

Would you really want it to be any different?

Jay G said...

Heh. I like the prescription from Doctor Les...

TBeck said...

I have a recurring dream where I am in the secure area of an airport or even on a plane when I suddenly realize that I am carrying a handgun. Hilarity ensues as I attempt to act natural while disposing of the gun in a way that can't be traced back to me. It's very uncomfortable.