Thursday, August 4, 2011

I Hear My Son...

Sony gets 'epic fail' award from hackers

Las Vegas (CNN) -- It's the Oscars for hard-core computer hackers, except that the trophies at the Pwnie Awards are cutesy little toy horses with pink and purple manes.

An explanation helps make some sense of this: "Pwn," in hacker jargon, means "to own" or "to take control of." It's the ultimate IT-nerd dis. As in, "I totally own your network." Or "I just pwned you in that World of Warcraft battle."

"Epic fail" and "pwned" are two of his favorite words. Reading the story, I can't help but hear it in his voice, which is a strange and wonderful thing. One of these days I'm going to have him guest-blog here so y'all call meet the next generation...

The best line, one I think my #1 blogson would agree with?

Even though the Sony hack was terrible, the "silver lining" is that it got people thinking about computer security, said Dino Dai Zovi, one of the judges.

Yeah. Thinking about comp-sec is good, m'kay?

That is all.

1 comment:

Borepatch said...

Heh. You're kicking my ass on SecurityBlogging, Jay.

Time to post some Friday Gun Pr0n ... ;-)