Wednesday, August 10, 2011

If You Can Spare a Few $$$...

Stan Sokolowski has a defense fund.

You may remember Stan as the gentleman I blogged earlier this year about from Lowell, MA, who had his house broken into and his gun collection stolen - who was then stripped of his MA gun permit for the egregious mistake of being a victim of crime. Comm2A, a 2A-advocacy group in MA, has more on Stan's case - it appears that the city of Lowell decided to double down on stupid and charge Mr. Sokolowski with the crime of illegal manufacture of explosives.

Because he reloads his own ammunition.

You see, rather than admit that they fucked up when they pulled his gun permit, they decided to put the fear of the state into Mr. Sokolowski. They questioned him for seven hours, finally getting him to admit that {GASP} he reloads his own ammunition. Because of this, they are trying to pin the charge of illegal manufacture of explosives on him - which applies because he doesn't have a permit to sell ammunition in MA (of course he doesn't; he uses what he makes like 99.9999% of all reloaders do).

This is the kind of crap that we put up with in MA - and the kind of back door shenanigans all gun owners have to be on guard against.

If you can spare it, donations to the defense fund will be matched by an anonymous donor up to $3,000.

That is all.

Thanks to Brad_in_MA who directed me to this post by MAgunowner about this fund.


Dirk said...

He's not manufacturing explosives. He's making ammunition, which *uses* explosives. But he's not directly making an actual substance that goes "boom". Unless the law directly mentions the making of ammunition, they're full of crap in charging him with that.

Gah. What morons.

velcro8ball said...

At the National Matches I was on the line next to a couple of guys from your fair state and they said the best way to handle anything firearms related in MA is to assume it's illegal and proceed from there. Velcro8ball

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

"At the National Matches I was on the line next to a couple of guys from your fair state and they said the best way to handle anything firearms related in MA is to assume it's illegal and proceed from there. Velcro8ball"

From what I've seen and heard about MA's gun laws, the best way to handle anything firearms related in MA is to leave.

MAgunowner said...

Thanks for spreading the word. This is an issue that affects all of us. The outpouring of support to the defense fund has been staggering, with several individuals on NES donating $1000+, and dozens of others donating what they can.