Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Projection Can Be A Dangerous Thing...

There's quite a bit of chatter in the gun blogosphere about some Hollywood egghead's ill thought-out wishes to forcibly "re-educate" Tea Party followers in the ways of greenies. Unc, Tam, and Robb (among others) covered it pretty well, but I wanted to add a more graphic representation.

I posted a couple of videos from the Fourth Annual Northeast bloggershoot. I invite all leftists that agree with Mr. Wells to study these videos. Your side has papier-mâché puppets of George W. Bush; the Tea Party side has guys with recoilless rifles and belt-fed weapons. Your side lobs molotovs and breaks windows; the Tea Party side launches anvils and fires cannons. Your side has the jokers in the G7 riots smashing windows to steal TVs; the Tea Party side has guys like Joe Huffman running Boomershoot and countless others running Appleseed programs.

Which side would you bet on in this match-up?

Again, we are forced to point out just how hollow, once again, the Left's claim for needed more gun control really is. Guys like Wells rub their hands and gleefully propose re-education camps and gloat about how much they'd like a civil war; openly calling for their political opponents to be carted off to the camps in as many words. If they truly believed that all gun owners were unstable Travis Bickles just waiting for the slightest provocation, would they really be pushing so hard?

They're like the imams promising glory and 72 virgins to the young men that strap on suicide vests - who manage to grow old enough to whiten their beards. If they really believed in the cause that they so fervently urged others to give their lives towards, why are they still alive? If the leftists really believed that the gun owners and right wingers were really that unstable and violent, then provocation would surely lead to massive acts of violence when faced with bald threats like Wells', right? But they know just as night follows day that there will be no violence against them, so they are free to be as provocative and inflammatory as they would like.

And this is America - I wouldn't want it any other way.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

This is why its important to stay engaged in the political process. These people believe that they can win using the ballot box. They will try to use the force of law to achieve their goals. They won't need to face off with anyone, they'll just pass laws to make our way of life untenable...


Bubblehead Les. said...

Those "Rodeo Drive Radicals" should also keep in mind that when our side runs out of Ammo, that we just Fix Bayonets and Charge.

Mike W. said...

Yep, I fully support their right to call for me to be herded into re-education camps, even though I know their support of MY rights would not be reciprocal.

Stretch said...

But Jay! The have UNIMPEACHABLE MORAL AUTHORITY on their side. Just how well that will do against a .30-06 with fixed 17" bayonet escapes me but they do have UNIMPEACHABLE MORAL AUTHORITY. Says so right on the side of their box of Crispy Marxist Flakes.

Borepatch said...

I put a post amplifying this.