Thursday, September 8, 2011

Cool Gear!

Got an interesting presser yesterday. There's a new night vision binocular available:

South San Francisco, CA –American Technologies Network’s new NVB5X-2 is the only night vision bi-ocular with the highest magnification of any commercial night vision device on the market today. Tough enough for any outdoor activity or environment, the ATN NVB5X-2 offers an incredible 5X magnification with range and clarity. A bi-ocular system allows the viewer to look through two eyepieces that produces a stereoscopic image with results much like natural vision occurs.
Now, I've worked with IR systems in the past - in a previous life I worked with photoreceptors, which as you might imagine don't cotton to light exposure for very long. The IR converters I used were monocular units with large, bulky power supplies; they're about as close to the unit above as the Motorola phone I linked yesterday is to my current iPhone. The real amazing thing is that even the super high-end units currently available are only a fraction of what the used units we had back then - and they're a quarter of the size and are binocular rather than a single lens.

It's amazing how technology changes over time, it really is...

That is all.

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