Thursday, September 8, 2011

Helping Out Too...

Robb was kind enough to write the media's talking points for the IHOP shooting.

I'll write their talking points for the GOP debate:

  • Rick Perry didn't win, no way, nuh-uh.

  • Mitt Romney is dreamy and we *totally* want him to win the nomination.

  • Rick Perry didn't create jobs in TX, no way, nuh-uh.

  • Sarah Palin eats minority babies and clubs baby seals just for fun.

  • Perry Romney Perry Romney Perry Romney Perry Romney Perry Romney Perry Romney

  • ZOMG! Theocrats!!!!1111

  • Oh yeah, there were some other folks there but we didn't get their names.

  • Rick Perry didn't win, no way, nuh-uh.
Let's see how close I am...

That is all.


North said...

"Mitt Romney is dreamy"

F him. He's not wearing a kilt.


zeeke42 said...

If Perry could keep the Jesus to himself and leave off all the gay hate, I might actually be able to support him.

exurbanKevin said...

Way off base.

It should be "Wow, both Romney and Perry are right-wing crazies! That Huntsman, on the other hand, is the only one out of all of them willing to stand up for the SCIENCE of global warming. It's science, science I say, lalalala I can't HEAR you!"

TheAxe said...

I know it'll never happen but after Obama talks about needing to blow mad money on infrastructure again tonight I'd love to see some media person/outlet (Daily Show?) play the clip where he admitted the projects from the last stimulus weren't as "shovel ready" as they thought.